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Carsologica Sinica
2009 Issue 2
We Fucai
Role of sediments and suspended particles for contaminant attenuation and transport in karst aquifer systems
Nico Goldscheider;Michiel Pronk;Jakob Zopfi
Transboundary karst aquifers of south-eastern Dinarides
Petar Milanovi c′
The basin acidification affected by AMD: A case study in Xingren county, Guizhou,China
TANG Chang-yuan;WU Pan;TAO Xiu-zhen;ZHANG Chi-peng;HAN Zhi-wei
A preliminary study of OCPs in underground river water in Chongqing typical karst area
YANG Mei;ZHANG Jun-peng;PU Jun-bing;HU Zhi-yong;SUN Yu-chuan
Study on hydrologic regime of underground river in typical karst valley——A case study on the Qingmuguan subterranean stream in Chongqing
LIU Xian;JIANG Yong-jun;YE Ming-yang;YANG Ping-heng;HU zhi-yong;LI Yuan-qing
Discussions on fenglin karst in China
ZHU Xue-wen
Categorization of karst landform on the basis of landform factor eigenvalue
XUE Xian-wu;CHEN Xi;ZHANG Zhi-cai;QIN Nian-xiu
137 Cs method study on soil erosion and sediment yield in grass-covered peak cluster depression in Maolan, Guizhou
HE Yong-bin;LI Hao;ZHANG Xin-bao;YAN Dong-chun;WEN An-bang
RS monitoring soil erosion regime in the Maocun underground river basin, Guilin
YANG Chengying;WU Hong
Cause of the "8.5" water burst incident at Yesanguan tunnel along the Yi-Wan railway
WU Li;WAN Jun-wei;CHEN Gang;ZHAO Lu
Characteristics of the geological hazard distribution and the control measures in Yiliang county, Yunnan
L Yong;LI Gao-liang;ZHANG Gui;LI Ji-hong;CAI Chuan-sheng;JI Ren-yuan;WANG Wai-quan