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Distance Education in China
2003 Issue 1
gao yue
ying wen zhai yao
xin xi ku 15 ze
From Print-Based Courses to e-Courses: Towards Education for All?
Bao Rong;Li Lingyun
An Investigation into the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)
fu qin ; cheng wen qing ; yang zong kai
Research-Based Learning in an Internet Environment
Huang Meirong
Internet Collaborative Learning and the Application of CSCL
Gan Yongcheng
Human Resources Development in e-Schools: Setting Goals and Directions
huang chun mei ; yan ji chang ; diao qing jun
Online Resource Banks for the Development of Open and Distance Learning-the importance of quality
ni gu la si fa nei si ; song zhi qin ; zhang wei yuan
The Development of Personalized Resource Banks in Distance Education: A Knowledge Management Perspective
li bao min ; liu ming zhuo ; wu chang yong ; xu bo xing ; yu de yong
The Nature of Communications in Online Teaching
Chen Baojun;Yang Gaixue
Modern Distance Education in the Age of Internet
Tan Songhua
shao xie fu zao
su xin