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Journal of Rare Earths
2016 Issue 6
Effect of rare earth elements and their oxides on tribo-mechanical performance of laser claddings: A review
M.M.Quazi;M.A.Fazal;A.S.M.A.Haseeb;Farazila Yusof;H.H.Masjuki;A.Arslan;Department of Mechanical Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;University of Malaya;Centre of Advanced Manufacturing and Material Processing;University of Malaya;Center for Energy Science;University of Malaya;
Luminescence of emission-tunable Na15.6Ca3.84Si12O36:Ce3+,Tb3+,Na+ phosphors for near-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes
ZHANG Jia;YU Along;HUA Zhenghe;WEN Shizheng;School of Physics and Electronic Electrical Engineering;Huaiyin Normal University;Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement Technology and Intelligent System;
A novel blue-emitting KCa4(BO33:Ce3+ phosphor for white LED application
SUN Xiaohui;ZHANG Chaomin;WU Jianbao;ZHU Pengfei;ZHANG Xiuli;HANG Yin;College of Fundamental Studies;Shanghai University of Engineering Science;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Photoluminescence properties of a novel orange-red emitting Ba2CaZn2Si6O17:Sm3+ phosphor
G.Annadurai;S.Masilla Moses Kennedy;V.Sivakumar;Department of Physics;S.S.N. College of Engineering;Rajiv Gandhi Salai;Saveetha Engineering College;
Luminescence characteristics of Dy3+ doped Gd2O3-CaO-SiO2-B2O3 scintillating glasses
J.Kaewkhao;N.Wantana;S.Kaewjaeng;S.Kothan;H.J.Kim;Center of Excellence in Glass Technology and Materials Science;Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University;Department of Radiologic Technology;Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences;Chiang Mai University;Department of Physics;Kyungpook National University;
Ce1–xLaxOy solid solution prepared from mixed rare earth chloride for soot oxidation
HAN Xue;WANG Yafei;HAO Hongrui;GUO Ronggui;HU Yunsheng;JIANG Wenquan;Institute of Rare Earth Metallurgical Materials;General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology;
Cerium modified Y/SBA-15 composite molecular sieve catalyzed synthesis of n-butyl acetate
SHI Chunwei;WU Wenyuan;BIAN Xue;PEI Mingyuan;ZHAO Shanlin;CHEN Ping;Liaoning Shihua University;School of Materials and Metallurgy;Northeastern University;Inha University;
Synergetic effects of lanthanum, nitrogen and phosphorus tri-doping on visiblelight photoactivity of TiO2 fabricated by microwave-hydrothermal process
JIANG Hongquan;LIU Yanduo;LI Jingshen;WANG Haiyan;Key Laboratory of Design and Synthesis of Functional Materials and Green Catalysis;Colleges of Heilongjiang Province;Harbin Normal University;
Structure and intrinsic magnetic properties of MM2Fe14B(MM=La, Ce, Pr, Nd) alloys
YU Xiaoqiang;YUE Ming;LIU Weiqiang;LI Zhi;ZHU Minggang;DONG Shengzhi;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;Division of Functional Materials;Central Iron & Steel Research Institute;
Hydrothermal synthesis of lanthanide(hydr)oxide micro/nanorods in presence of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide
LI Yinyan;XU Shiqing;College of Materials Science and Engineering;China Jiliang University;
A comparison between DCCAE and conventional extrusion of Mg-9.5Li-3Al-1.6Y alloy
LIU Junwei;PENG Xiaodong;WANG Bao;WEI Guobing;XIE Weidong;YANG Yan;LIU Mingpu;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Chongqing University;National Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloys;Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co.;Ltd.;
Effect of neodymium, gadolinium addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy
JIANG Nan;CHEN Lei;MENG Linggang;FANG Canfeng;HAO Hai;ZHANG Xingguo;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;
Effects of mixed rare earth fertilizer on yield and nutrient quality of leafy vegetables during different seasons
REN Yanjun;REN Xuejun;MA Jianjun;YAN Lijing;Analysis and Testing Centre;Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology;
Biosorption potential of cerium ions using Spirulina biomass
David Sadovsky;Asher Brenner;Boaz Astrachan;Boaz Asaf;Raphael Gonen;Unit of Environmental Engineering;Faculty of Engineering Sciences;Ben-Gurion University of the Negev;Nuclear Research Center Negev;