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The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
2016 Issue 6
Expression of SATB1 in different human prostate cancer cell lines
han yang jun ;, wang bing ;, meng xue bing ;, liu hong lei ;, gu ya ming ;, zhang ming hua ;, diao ying zhi ;, huang wei chao ;, zuo ming ;
Effect of transurethral resection of prostate combined with mitomycin C on patients with hyperplasia of prostate
NAN Ning;,CHEN Qi;,WANG Zhenlong;,ZHAI Xiaoqiang;,CHONG Tie;
Efficacy of vardenafil combined Shuganyiyang capsule in the treatment of erectile dysfunction
JI Zhong;,GE Yongchao;,FENG Jinshun;,ZHANG Li;
The clinical effects of three operating methods onendometrial polyps
WU Yangchun;,DUAN Liping;
Clinical analysis of the treatment of cervical HPV infection by Baofukang suppository
SHI Saiou;,CHEN Qian;,SONG Yanping;
Drug combination therapy in the treatment of senilevaginitis
CHEN Ling;,LIN Tao;
Effects of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease on female sexual function
GAO Qin;,ZHANG Dandan;
A report of constitutional delayed puberty
WU Chaowen;,WEI Hongfa;,YUE Ruri;
Non-treatment influence factors on the antiviral treatment efficacy of HIV infection
ZHONG Qingyang;,YIN Sichun;,CHEN Guixuan;,HE Songmei;,LIN Peiji;,ZHANG Feng;
Review and progress on the treatment of syphilis
JIA Yali;,LIU Jue;,CAI Yinglian;,WU Liming;
Clinical and histopathological features of atypical syphilis: a retrospective review of 18 cases
wang tao ;, yuan liu feng ;, liang si ;, xu chen zuo ;, zhou xi ping ;, wu dan ;, zhang tao ;, zheng he yi ;, liu yue hua ;
xin xi dong tai
Investigation on the postpartum sexual life quality of delivery women with cesarean section and its influence factors
WU Hanbing;,AI Ling;,CAO Yunfei;,WANG Xiaoxia;,WANG Huihua;
Clinical correlative factors analysis between thyroid autoantibodies and recurrent spontaneous abortion
CHEN Yi;,LI Danjun;,YANG Youlin;,DI Junping;,WU Tingting;
Study on the correlation between trace elements and adverse pregnancy outcome
NIE Dunli;,ZHANG Lei;,QI Xiaoxue;
Predictive value of the reproductive hormone levels in threatened abortion prognosis
YUE Laifeng;,SONG Molan;,CHEN Li;
Correction between the in-vitro fertilization outcome and slow ovarian response during controlled ovarian stimulation
ZHANG Xin;,LUO Qingbing;,XU Hongyi;,ZHANG Changjun;
Study of Y chromosome microdeletions of severe oligospermia or azoospermia patients by fluorescent quantitative PCR
YANG Yang;,WANG Shuyu;,ZHOU Liying;,BAI Wankai;
Effect of two kinds of laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of ampullary pregnancy
RAN Caihong;,HE Juan;,SHE Liang;
Research on the correlation between mycoplasma, chlamydia infection and ectopic pregnancy
LU Di;,BAI Lingli;,REN Yongbian;
Clinical study of Ningmitai capsule in the treatment of type Ⅲ prostatitis
LIN Yishu;,ZHANG Gang;,XUE Jian;
Infertile patients' mental problems and the relevant psychological intervention
CHEN Li;,LI Aibin;,NIU Ting;
Investigation on the present situation of elderly men in Huzhou
PENG Fusheng;,YANG Ronghua;,TANG Jian'er;