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The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
2007 Issue 1
Improper terminology used in the science of sexuality(part 2)
ou wen j. hei bo le ; peng xiao hui
Efficacy of audiovisual sexual stimulation on nocturnal penile tumescence
WANG Chunhua;WANG Yongbo;LEI Ying
Some theoretical issues about sexual bribery
CHEN Yiping;QI Hongjuan
Some issues concerning health care for middlle-aged and aged males
zhang si xiao ; liu guang rong ; xiao xin min
Historical account of "Sexual life"
CHEN Xuewen
LI Yu's view on "Desire abstinence" in Qing dynasty
PU Zhaohe
New understanding on the concept of "premature love"
li yang ; wang fei ; liu yan
A survey on the attitudes about love and sex among female college students
cai min ; wang bing ; zuo lv hua
Manifestations of venereal diseases in dentistry
NIE Guoliang
A survey on STD infections among off-farm workers
XUE Yushu
A review analysis on infection routes of children STI/STDs
ZHOU Yuan;ZENG Chune;HUANG Shuiqun;LUO Mei
The superficial viewpoints about developing Chinese andrology
hu jian guo ; chen sheng hui ; xu he ping ; hu ke bing ; liu jun ming ; zhang ming liang