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The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
2005 Issue 11
Male sexual dysfunction and sex mentality
ZHENG You-jun
liu dong wei hun nan qing nian sheng zhi jian kang xian zhuang yan jiu
xie li chun ; zeng xu chun ; zhong yu ling ; wang yi fan ; chen ze qiang ; shi chuang ; chen xiong ; huang hui xian ; mai hui ling
he xie de xing sheng huo yu jian kang
wen wei hong ; zeng chang lou
Analysis of sex-health knowledge, attitude and behavior in modern college student
zhang yong ; song kui na ; song ye dong
Chinese medical therapy of fallopian tube emphraxis
CHENG Liang-wei
Treatment of Peyronie£-report of eleven patients
ke mang ; ding chong biao
Problem of prostatitis in department of skin venereal disease
sun ling ; li zhao jun
Winter swimming on the sexual hormones of the male old and the coitus
WANG Hong;MA Guo-zhen;LI Zhuo-chao
Importance of sexual medicine teaching in medical students
XU Xiao-yang;SU Li;WANG Ying-xiong;WEI Sha-li;YANG Rong;ZENG Shou-tao
The mother's phallus in psychoanalysis
DONG Jian-lin