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The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
2002 Issue 3
Relationship between intrauterine manipulation and Chlamydia trachomatis infection
He Chunna;Lu Chunying;Kuai Lili;Liang Wei;He Xuemei
Sex education in family
Chen Qinghua
Use of condoms in males of Jilin province: an analysis
he ying qin ; xie ya ming ; li zhong shuai ; zong zuo wei ; hu xue feng
Prospects for sexual attitudes in 21st century
Zhou Shaohui
Sexual physiology and psychology in partner dancing girls in Special administrative region
zhuo yong ning ; li zhen guo ; guo shen liang ; guo shen chang
Advances in research on actions of sex hormones in sexual physiology of females
wang huan ying ; yao zhen zuo
Investigation of sexual behaviors in Swedish juveniles
hu pei cheng ; shuai lan ;kajsa sundstrom
Candidal vulvo-vaginitis
cao yu ai ; jin he wu
Wang' s Shengjing pills in treatment of 116 patients with infertility due to abnormal semen
huang tian bao ; huang zhi jian ; huang zhi biao ; li xiao jun
Operative correction of congenital twisted and bent penis
Meng Zhanzhan
Treatment of infertility by combined traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine
zhang wei sheng ; zhang qing yi