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The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
1996 Issue 3
shou jie quan guo zhong yi xing xue xue shu hui yi shu ping
kang li sheng
Two cases of hermaphroditism
Liu Fengwen
Termination of undesired pregnancy by drug in 178 unmarried girls
yang ming ming ; pan li ; yuan xin hua ; ding wan hua ; shen su zuo
Sexual dysfunction in marital couples of child-bearing age in Hunan rural area
xu dong hua ; jiang ji lu ; zhu xian hua
Relationship between sociopsychological factors and sexual function in infertile women
liu yuan ; zhang guo hui ; zheng xin min ; cheng zhong yuan ; hu kong quan
Clinical characteristics of polyorchidism
wu zhi jian ; cao yang
Discussion on "Ethical problems of hymenorrhaphy"
he zhan peng ; chen yue mei
Sketch of ancient Chinese sex culture
Wang Li
Between being guilty and non-guilty
Cao Yuming
Clinical studies on fetish and exhibition behaviors with organic disorders
Chen Jianguo;Lu Longguang
Current status and control of AIDS in Europe
XU Xindong
Should the human sexual behavior be restricted?
Zhu Qi