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Chinese Journal of Health Statistics
1994 Issue 4
An Approach to the Methods of Standardization forthe Hospital Statistical Indexes in Comprehensive Evaluation
Zhang Louman;et al.;This paper;based on the statistical materials from 54 hospitals in our country;reveals the fact that many original evaluating indexes are non-normal distr
Trends of Incidence of Main Cardiovascular Disease inLarge Population in Liaoninig Province
Shi jingpu;etal.;A surveillant plan for main cardiovascular disease;including Acute Myocardial Infarction;Coronary SuddenDeath;and Stroke for men and women ages 25-70 was carriedout during 1985-1989 in Liaoning
Determinants Analysis of Children’s Prevalence of III-ness and Seek Medical Care in Dongcheng District ofBeijing
Duan Ming-yue;Chen Yu-de;We draw out a random sample of 1307 children aged 14 years from the health care services community covered byChao--Yang -Men township hospital in Dengcheng District ofBeijing for one year’s cont
Grey Relation Analysis for Regional Difference ofPhysical Morphology Feature at Childhood and Youthin China
Zhou Tong et al. Regional difference of physical morphology feature atchildhood and youth in china is sin’]ied with grey relation analysis method;which is according to the data of 18-2
The Estimation of Odds Ratio For Multi - logisticModel
jin Shuigao;A multi-logistic model with interaction terms and confoundings;and the estimation of Odds Ratio are introduced. the log- likelihood ratio test principles and statisticsalso are intr
The Simulation Model of Tuberculosis Epidemiology ofChina and Estimation of the Epidemiological TimeTrend
Wang Li-xia;et al.;During 1979~1990;China have conducted three nationwide tuberculosis sample surveys. According to the data ofthese Surveys and referring to Azuma’s simulation methodfrom Japan;we
Curve Fitting by Transformations on Variables With aK-value Modification
Zhang Chenggang;Su Huci;This paper proposed a method to build up a linear regression equation after various simple transformations on dependent and independent variables with a k-value modification.The k-va
Trends of Incidence of Main Cardiovascular Disease inLarge Population in Liaoninig Province
Curve Fitting by Transformations on Variables With aK-value Modification
Curve Fitting by Transformations on Variables With aK-value Modification
Curve Fitting by Transformations on Variables With aK-value Modification
Curve Fitting by Transformations on Variables With aK-value Modification