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Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
1999 Issue 2
jin duan 1/3 wei ai de te dian yu lin chuang jie guo
cai shi rong
wei zuo mo xia ai de yu hou yin su ji he li zhi liao
cai shi rong
ji zhi jin shu dan bai mei -2 yu wei ai de qin xi zhuan yi
zhang cheng wu ; zou shou chun
chang geng zu de zhen duan he zhi liao xian zhuang
qu wei zuo ; wang yu
zhan lian xing chang geng zu de yu fang he zhi liao
li wen dong ; liu yan fu
chang geng zu bing ren wei shou shu qi de chu li
wang dai ke
zhong liu xing chang geng zu de zhen duan yu zhi liao
wang bing huang
Inhibition of telomerase activity of human colon cancer cell line by compound traditional Chinese medicine kang ai fang
chen ze xiong ; chen zuo ; peng jun sheng ; zhang shi jun
The dynamic changes of PGE2 and IL-2/IL-2R in patients with gastric carcinoma before and after operation and their correlation
xu dong kui ; chen zheng zuo ; xue hong qian ; zhang jie feng
The diagnosis and treatment of intestinal tuberculosis
CHEN Jinhong;ZHANG Yanling;CAI Duan
The diagnosis and surgical treatment of the recurrent carcinomas in remnant stomach
wang tong ; wang gui qing ; huang shi chuan ; liu shu jia
Surgical treatment of colorectal cancer with hepatic metastasis
ZHEN Zoujun;CHEN Huanwei
The diagnosis and treatment of intussuception in adults:A review of 62 cases
DONG Wenguang;ZHAN Wenhua;WANG Jipu
Clinical characteristics of intestinal obstruction due to recurrent gastrointestinal carcinoma
wang dong ping ; zheng zhang qing ; he yu long ; zheng chao xu ; chen chuang qi ; zhan wen hua
The diagnosis and treatment of colonic obstruction: A review of 108 cases
chen jie ; lu jun ; you kai tao ; wang ke you
The diagnosis and treatment of sigmoid volvulus:A review of 27 cases
AN Dali;LI Zhixia;CHEN Folai
Etiology analysis of intestinal obstruction :A review of 768 cases
qing san hua ; qi de zuo ; hou bao hua ; peng ming ; zhang gang qing
Surgical management of acute colon obstruction caused by colorectal cancer:A review of 225 cases
WANG Jianping;TANG Yuanzhi;DONG Wenguang