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Journal of Image and Graphics
2013 Issue 10
Moment feature analysis of MSTAR image and multiple thresholds based segmentation
Ni Weiping;Yan Weidong;Wu Junzheng;Zheng Gang;Lu Ying
Polarimetric SAR ship detection using improved notch filter
Sun Yuan;Wang Chao;Zhang Hong;Zhang Bo;Wu Fan
Fourth-order anisotropic diffusion equations for image zooming
Li Peng;Zou Yang;Yao Zheng'an
Image reconstruction algorithm based on the curvelet gaussian scale mixture model
Ji Jian;Li Xiao;Xu Shuangxing
Object detection and tracking combining generative and discriminative model
Liu Qian;Hou Jianhua;Mou Haijun;Zhao Wei;Da Bangyou
TSCS-LBP operator oriented to the local illumination mutation
Bian Zihan;Fang Sheng;Xu Tianshuai
Color image segmentation using geometry tessellation technique and EM/MPM algorithm
Zhao Quanhua;Li Yu;He Xiaojun
Transfer and reusing of object view information
Zhang Suofei;Wu Haiyang;Wu Zhenyang
Study of infrared anti-jamming tracking algorithm
Chu Tong;Ma Huimin
Segmentation of abnormal cervical nuclei using an adaptive and local approach
Zhang Ling;Li Jingli;Chen Siping;Wang Tianfu;Jiang Shaofeng;Liu Shaoxiong
Facial expression recognition based on AWCLBP
Hu Min;Xu Yanxia;Wang Xiaohua;Huang Zhong;Zhu Hong
Binary local descriptor based on rotative matching
Lu Hongbo;Sun Yuan;Zhang Zhimin
Saliency-based adaptive block compressive sampling for image signals
Wang Rui;Yu Zongxin;Du Linfeng;Wan Wanggen
State-of-art of video based smoke detection algorithms
Luo Sheng;Jiang Yuzheng
Multi-bilateral filtering algorithm based on adaptive fractional order differentiation
Hu Fuyuan;Si Shaohui;Zhang Yanning;Sun Jinqiu
Intelligent road network selection method based on cases inductive reasoning
Guo Min;Qian Haizhong;Huang Zhishen;Liu Hailong;Wang Xiao
A survey of palm-vein image recognition
Wu Wei;Yuan Weiqi
Disparity map generation with tensor analysis
Zhao Ge;Lin Lan;Tang Yandong;Wang Yaonan