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Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
2005 Issue 1
Auditory training
Liang Wei
Discussion on the hearing aid fitting for deaf children
CHEN Zhensheng
A suggestion on hearing aid fitting process for Chinese children
zhong guo can ji ren kang fu xie hui ting li yu yan kang fu zhuan ye wei yuan hui
Development of multimedia technology in aural rehabilitation and deaf education
Ji Jingyuan;HUANG Zhaoming
The development of deaf children
Richard C.Nowell
A mental status analysis in hearing impaired children
Mu Xin;YUAN Yin
A survey of deaf students in mainstreaming education
Ji Lanfen
The history and present state of speech audiometry
Xi Xin
Clinical application of MRI in observing the inner ear fluid before cochlear implantation
fu zheng ; huang cai shou ; tan xian nong ; zhao zhi bin ; wei xin ; li yuan ; zhao ying man ; li jian jun
Mapping with subjective and objective measures in cochlear implant users
Zhang Yankun;Zhang Daoxing
The establishment of W.W. hearing and our response
Bu Xingkuan