ICAM-1 Regulates Differentiation of MSC to Adipocytes via Activating MAPK Pathway
CHEN Ji-De;XU Fen-Fen;ZHU Heng;LI Xi-Mei;TANG Bo;LIU Yuan-Lin;ZHANG Yi;Department of Clinical Laboratorial Examination;Chinese PLA Hospital 169;Department of Cell Biology;Institute of Basic Medical Sciences;Academy of Military Medical Sciences;Department of Pediatrics;General Hospital of Tinajin Medical University;Basic of Educating Postgraduate;General Hospital of Shenyang Military Command and Liaoning Medical College;
MyD88 L265P Mutation and B Cell Tumor——Review
CHEN Hai-Min;HOU Jian;Department of Hematology;Zhabei Branch of Changzheng Hospital;The Second Military Medical University;Department of Hematology;Changzheng Hospital;The Second Military Medical Uuniversity;