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Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
2008 Issue 5
fan xiang yi chuan cao zuo zai xin cheng yi bing du zhong de ying yong
wang xue li ; wang xing long ; li xiao yan ; ren lin zhu
rou ji fu shui zong he zheng ji qi yan jiu jin zhan
sun wei dong ; wang jin yong ; tan xun ; wang xiao long
Genetic polymorphism of H-FABP gene and correlation analysis with IMF content in porcine
GAO Yan;ZHANG Yong-hong;JIANG Ning;YUAN Bao;XIAO Shu-qi;ZHAO Zhong-li;ZHANG Shu-min;ZHAO Zhi-hui;ZHANG Jia-bao
Influence of different factor on the isolation and culture of the buffalo PGCs
HUANG Ben;LI Tong;SHI De-shun;WANG Xiao-li;YANG Su-fang;NONG Wei;WANG Bo
Comparison of different treatments for parthenogenetic activation of porcine oocytes matured in vitro
HUANG Ya-qiong;SHI De-shun;YANG Su-fang;LU Feng-hua;CHEN Zi-hong;XIE Ti-san;WANG Xiao-li;CUI Kui-qing;TAN Shi-jian
Toxic effect of low-level lead on primary cultured cerebral cortical neurons
LU Hao;MEI Li;DA Jian-sen;ZHANG Ying;LIU Zong-ping
Identification of major pathogens in bovine mastitis by multiplex PCR
ZHANG Shan-rui;WANG Chang-fa;GAO Yun-dong;YANG Shao-hua;ZHONG Ji-feng;ZHAO Hong-kun
Clinical study on the copper poisoning in black bone broiler
DENG Jun-liang;CHEN Jun-jie;ZUO Zhi-cai;CUI Heng-min
Pathological development of hepatic injury in experimentally aflatoxin-induced ducklings
GU Chang-qin;HU Xue-ying;ZHANG Wan-po;XIE Chang-qing;ZHOU Quan;CHENG Guo-fu
Antipyretic and analgesic effects of flunixin meglumine
CHEN Da-jian;HU Yi-yi;FENG Xiu-juan;JIANG Shan-xiang
Influence of EDEM2 in retrotranslocation of ricin from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol
MA Qing-yuan;GAO Hong-wei;LIU Wen-sen;XING Li-jie;LIAO Peng
The morphological observation of the respiratory organs in African ostrich chicks
JIN Er-hui;PENG Ke-mei;SONG Hui;WANG Yan;LI Sheng-he;WEI Lan;TANG Li;DU An-na;WANG Jia-xiang
Cloning and sequence analysis of IL-4 gene in giant panda
HUANG Dao-chao;YANG Guang-you;ZHANG Zhi-he;ZHANG An-ju;GUO Wan-zhu;WANG Cheng-dong;HOU Rong;SHEN Fu-jun;YUAN Xin
Changing trends in the development of the thymus in duckling
FANG Jing;CUI Heng-min;PENG Xi;HE Min
Establishment of high-throughtput clone and expression of Mycobacterium tuber-culosis H37TRv
LIU Li-guo;LENG Wen-chuan;ZHENG Jian-hua;LI Rui;HU Zhong-ming
Establishment of infectious clone system of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influen-za virus A/Duck/Guangxi/53/02
WEN Feng-qin;FAN Shu-fang;HU Yong-hao;DENG Guo-hua;CHEN Hua-lan
Inhibition of food-and-mouth disease virus 2B gene transient expression by short hairpin structure RNA
CUI Li-jin;WANG Xing-long;REN Lin-zhu;WU Xiao-hui;LANG Xu-long;ZHANG Hui;MEI Ying-wu;LI Xiao-yan;BU Zhao-yang
Cloning and expression of nucleoprotein gene of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and purification of recombinant nucleoprotein
HUANG Xiao-bo;CAO San-jie;WEN Xin-tian;XIAO Guo-sheng;XIAO Chi
Molecular cloning of a novel porcine interferon-β and its prokaryotic expression
BU Xiu-juan;HU Zhong-ming;LIU Ju-xiong;LIU Ye;SHI Lin;HU Rong-liang
Cloning,expression and characterization of the F subunit gene of F18 fimbriae of the Ee strain
LIU Guo-ping;GUO Ai-zhen;WU Bin;QIAN Ping;LIU Zheng-fei;CHEN Huan-chun
Cloning, sequence analysis of Chinese white rabbit IL-15 gene and its expression in E. coli
MENG Qing-ling;CAI Xue-peng;QIAO Jun;LUO Xue-nong;JING Zhi-zhong
Construction and identification of the helper plasmids for rescuing GPMV strain NA-1
SONG Zi-yun;DING Zhuang;XU Ming;MA Ai-xia;DU Mei;CHANG Shuang;BI Yu-hai;YIN Ren-fu
Cultivation of IBDV field isolates adapted in chicken embryo and comparation of VP2 gene with each generation as well as the pathogenicity
LI Yin-ju;WU Ting-cai;ZHANG Chun-jie;CHENG Xiang-chao;YU Zu-hua;CHEN Pu-yan
Cloning and sequencing of complete genome of porcine circovirus type 2(PCV-2) Shandong strains
LIU Fang-na;DIAO You-xiang;GAO Xiao-wei;MENG Fan-lei;WANG Ni;WANG Hui
Cloning and sequencing of ORF3-7 genes for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus isolated in Henan province
YIN Yan-tao;XIA Ping-an;CUI Bao-an;WANG Jian-ju;DANG Zhan-guo;CHAI Chun-xia;CHEN Hong-ying;LI Xin-sheng
Pathogenicity of classical swine fever virus GX-3/98 strain and immunization relativity with attenuated hogcholera virus Chinese C strain
SUN Jian-hua;CHEN Li-zhuan;WU Jian-min;LV Zong-ji;HUANG Hong-mei;CHEN Zhong-wei;ZHAO Wu;TU Chang-chun