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China Soft Science
2006 Issue 4
Overseas Study on Customer Assets Calculation Model and Its Implications
SHAO Jing-bo;ZHANG Ming-li
Application Research on Performance Evaluation for the Informatization of Enterprise Based on BSC
WANG Tie-nan;LI Yi-jun;LIU Jiao
An Empirical Study of the Financial Risk of China's Private Enterprises
ZHOU Chun-sheng;ZHAO Duan-duan
The Effect of Talent Accumulation and Its Assessment
NIU Chong-huai;JIE Min;ZHANG Min;DUAN Zhi-ping;LI Gang
The Analysis of ICT's Impact on Service Industry's Location
CHEN Xiu-shan;NI Xiao-heng
Humanistic Value and Dilemmas of Hi-tech Olympics
DONG Chuan-sheng
Some Key Issues on Indigenous Innovation
XU Guan-hua
Technological Mode and Catch-Up in China's Industrial Technology
TANG Chun-hui;TANG Yao-jia
The Three Main Factors to Raise the Rate of China's Technology Transfer
LIU Shu-wei;CHEN Wei-zhong;WANG Shuang;LUO Shuang-fu