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Annual Report of Cams
2007 Issue 0
guo ji he zuo yu jiao liu ( chu fang )
zhong han sha chen bao lian he guan ce zhan er qi jian she ren wu yuan man wan cheng
Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Zhang Xiaochun
ren gong zeng yu guan jian ji shu yu zhuang bei yan fa
Institute of Weather Modification:Fang Wen;Shi Aili
rafs xi tong zai hua nan zhong chi du guan ce yu ying yong shi yan ji di cheng gong jin xing zhun ye wu yun xing
Atmospheric Science Information Division:Gao Mei Project Office:Wang Deying
2007 nian zhong guo qi xiang ke xue yan jiu yuan jue ce qi xiang fu wu gong zuo cheng ji xian zhu
Sci-Tech Management Division:Sun Xiaogong
xin yi dai tian qi lei da ji shu ju de san wei pin tu he chan pin sheng cheng ruan jian xi tong
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather:Liu Liping
zhong guo qi xiang ke xue yan jiu yuan bo shi hou yu yan jiu sheng jiao yu
Graduate Education Division:Wang Xin
wo guo xin yi dai duo chi du qi xiang shu zhi yu bao xi tong xi huo guo jia ke ji jin bu er deng jiang
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather:Chen Xian
zhong wen chu ban wu (2007)
ao yun hui lei dian jian ce he yu jing xi tong guan jian ji shu yan jiu
Institute of Atmospheric Sounding:Zhang Yijun
er qi nian xin xiang mu
jiang shui yan wu he sha chen deng xian xiang zi dong shi bie xi tong yan zhi
Institute of Atmospheric Sounding:Lu Weitao;Yang Jun
bei ji tai yuan he hai bing di qu bian jie ceng wu li guo cheng guan ce yan jiu
Institute of Climate System:Lu Longhua
san wei shan dian tan ce xi tong yan zhi
Institute of Atmospheric Sounding:Dong Wansheng
zhong guo da qi qi rong jiao ji qi qi hou xiao ying
Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Wang Yaqiang
da qi cheng fen ye wu jin zhan
Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Zhang Xiaochun
grapes meso xi tong gai jin bing cheng gong tong guo ye wu hua sheng ji zhuan jia lun zheng
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather:Chen Xian
zhong guo qi xiang ju ren gong ying xiang tian qi zhong xin cheng li
Institute of Weather Modification:Shi Aili
zhong guo qi hou guan ce xi tong gong cheng she ji
CAMS Design;Editing and Implementation Office of"Implementation Plan of China Climate Observing System"
suan yu jian ce ping gu capps-3 he zi wai xian yu bao ying yong tui guang yuan man wan cheng
Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Zhao Yanxia
kuan dai gan she yi shan dian fu she yuan san wei ding wei xi tong
Institute of Atmospheric Sounding:Dong Wansheng
da qi cheng fen jian ce ping gu xi tong ji jiang tui chu xi lie ben di zhi ji bao chan pin
Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Zhou Lingxi
sheng tai qi xiang guan ce zi liao zhi liang kong zhi fen xi ji shu he ying yong yan jiu
Institute of Eco-Environment and Agro-Meteorology:Jiang Zhaoyang
nong ye zhong da qi xiang zai hai jian ce yu jing yu kong zhi ji shu yan jiu
Institute of Eco-Environment and Agro-Meteorology:Liu Jiandong
guo ji he zuo yu jiao liu ( lai fang )
zai hai tian qi jing xi shu zhi yu bao xi tong ji duan qi qi hou ji he yu ce yan jiu
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather:Chen Xian
sha chen bao shu zhi yu bao yu yu bao fu wu tui guang
Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Zhou Chunhong
zhong guo nong ye qi xiang zai hai jian ce yu jing xi tong jian she
Institute of Eco-Environment and Agro-Meteorology:Ma Yuping;Wang Shili
zhong guo zong he di qiu guan ce xi tong 10 nian gui hua she ji yu guo ji fa bu
CAMS Design;Editing and Implementation Office of "ImplementationPlan of China Climate Observing System"
ren cai pei yang
ren gong ying xiang tian qi ye wu jian she xiang mu jin zhan
Institute of Weather Modification:Shi Aili
guo ji ji di nian nan ji da qi ke xue kao cha
Institute of Climate System:Lu Longhua;Bian Lingen;Lu ChangguiCenter for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Tang Jie
ying wen chu ban wu (2007)
zai hai tian qi guo jia zhong dian shi yan shi tong guo ke ji bu zu zhi de jian she qi yan shou
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather:Hu Shaoping
grapes quan qiu yu bao xi tong de jian li ji shi yan gong zuo jin zhan
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather:Chen Xian
wo guo dong bu chun ji tu rang shi du ying xiang xia ji jiang shui
Institute of Climate System:Zuo Zhiyan
guo jia da qi cheng fen ben di guan ce yan jiu tai zhan ti xi jian she
Center for Atmosphere Watch and Service:Zhou Lingxi