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China Numismatics
2008 Issue 4
Friendship on the Copper Coins
ZHANG Peilin
The Biography of Mr ZHANG Shuxun
CHEN Danong
fang ri jiao liu san ji
wang yong sheng
zhen zuo dui bi " jian xing bi "
wang fu sheng
xin zhong guo huo bi dan sheng ji shi
xu shu xin
On the Paper Money of Qing Discovered in Wuhan
ZHANG Huoding;XIA Hongyan;ZHANG Jinfeng
On A Number of Rare Large Coins of Xianfeng
QI Zongyou
"wei bian zao huo bi " jie wu
chen bao shan
yin ping piao
yu hong chang
The Minting Place of the Baosu Machine-made Coins
LI Jianqing
The Format of the Paper Money Issued by Hubu
WANG Yunting
The Background History of Yichunwen of 27th Year of Guangxu
YU Fenghui;ZHOU Tiezheng
Akesu Mint and the Coins It Produced
WANG Yongsheng