Application Performance of Denatured Starch Based Protein Compound
Du Xiaosheng;Dai Rui;Shan Zhihua;Chen Zhijun;Zhang Shanji;National Engineering Laboratory for Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture;Sichuan University;Biomass and Leather Engineering Department of Sichuan University;Xuzhou Hongfeng High Polymer Material Co. Ltd;
Polymer Nanocomposite Foams
Bian Changlong;Ma Jianzhong;Xue Chaohua;Duan Zhouyang;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Shaanxi University of Science & Technology;College of Resource and Environment;Shaanxi University of Science & Technology;
Development of Chitosan- based Antimicrobial Leather Coatings
Isabel P. Fernandes;Joana S. Amaral;Vera Pinto;Maria José Ferreira;Maria Filomena Barreiro;Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering;Associate Laboratory;LSRE/LCM;Polytechnic Institute of Braganca;Pharmacy Faculty;University of Porto;Portugal and Polytechnic Institute of Braganca;Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre;S. Joo da Madeira 3700121;Portugal;Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre;S. Joo da Madeira 370012 1;Portugal;Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering .Associate Laboratory;LSRE/LCM;Polytechnic Institute of Braganca;