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Journal of China Agricultural University
2003 Issue 6
Fuzzy evaluation for chains-business levels of different provinces in China
zhang rong qi ; wang lei ; chen chen
The construction of E-business websitein MVC mode based on LAMP
yue jun ; xing ru yi ; qiu li juan ; mei shu li
Engineering drawings denoising based on orthogonal wavelet packets tranformation
xing ru yi ; mei shu li ; yao chun mei ; yang yong
Research on method for on line testing the working characteristics of three-phase induction motor
sun jun jie ; wang jian ping ; xiong xiu zhong
Study of diesels controlled technology on the base of MC68376
zheng pei ; chen hui yan
Working characteristics of small separated heat pipes
shi xiao yan ; tang zhi wei ; wei jia xiang ; jiang zhang yan
Effect of the boronizing thickness of YG6 hard alloy on bending strength
hu san zuo ; xu fang chao ; li chang lin ; zhang shu yan
Study on measuring method for vertical jump height of human body
wang tan ; fu shui gen ; wu ping dong
Simulation of mechanical ventilation for Huabei-type multispan plastic greenhouse
tong li ; zhang zheng ; chen zhong gou ; zhang tian zhu
Preliminary experimental study of up ventilation cooling method in a multi-span huabei-type greenhouse
yu ya jun ; zuo guang hui ; ma cheng wei
Effects of 1-MCP and ethylene on postharvest quality of green asparagus
liu zun ying ; lv yan chun ; jiang wei bo
Study on the cylinder number of the dielectric fluffy cottonseed separator
mi shuang shan ; yan yan ; li bai zuo
Error analysis of yield data from cotton picker yield monitor system
zhang man ; zhang yan e ; zhang wen ge ; zhang bin ; li hong
Extraction and determination of mass ratio of Indigo and Indirubin in Indigowoad root
liu yi ; han lu jia ; yan qiao juan ; liu xiang yang
Purification of XynB from Streptomyces cirratus
ding chang he ; jiang zheng qiang ; li li te ; li xiu zuo ; zhang yan