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Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
2007 Issue 1
On economics effects of hospital image
YING Huiqiang
hu shi gui fan hua pei xun fang fa tan tao
wang hong ; zuo kang mei
he li jiang di po gong chan lv de diao yan yu gan yu
wang wei fang ; shou qing he
wei sheng xing zheng zhi fa wen shu zhi liang kao he biao zhun de yan zhi he ying yong
zeng xiao ; jiang xiao ping ; zhou xue mei ; hu min ; zhou ai wu ; xu zhong
jiang ning qu ti gao fei jie he bing ren fa xian lv de cuo shi chu tan
wang jun ; chen wan rong ; jing zheng min
tai zhou shi yi yuan dui kou zhi yuan wei sheng yuan de zuo fa he ti hui
shi geng sheng ; xu yun feng ; zhang xue quan
Elderly self-perceiving, social support and the prevalence of geriatric depression
HU Zhi;ZHOU Chengchao;XU Xiaochao;CHEN Ruoling;MA Suisui;QIN Xia
Evaluation of reliability and validity of GMS-AGECAT in rural community
QIN Xia;ZHOU Chengchao;XU Xiaochao;MA Suisui;CHEN Ruoling;HU Zhi
The negative life affairs, interests, life ability and the prevalence of geriatric depression in the rural community of Anhui province
CHEN Ruoling;QIN Xia;XU Xiaochao;ZHOU Chengchao;MA Suisui;HU Zhi
Prevalence and risk factors of geriatric depression in the rural community of Anhui province
HU Zhi;ZHOU Chengchao;XU Xiaochao;CHEN Ruoling;MA Suisui;QIN Xia
zai chuang nong cun wei sheng de guo ji dian fan xin nian xian ci he zheng ce jian yi
zhong hua yu fang yi xue hui wei sheng shi ye guan li fen hui ; zhong guo nong cun wei sheng shi ye guan li za zhi she
Promoting the sustainable development of rural public health
XIA Yingqiu;PAN Rui
Evaluation of the effect of JICA project training course
LAI Yuji;WANG Lin;CHEN Shiming;WANG Ni
er ke hu shi de xin li ya li ji huan jie dui ce
he li ying
bo hu xian wei sheng ren li zi yuan pei zhi xian zhuang jian yi ji dui ce
wang hong bin ; han yong da
shao xing xiang zhen wei sheng yuan zhi ye ( zhu li ) yi shi xue li xian zhuang ji pei yang dui ce
ma yu fu ; ren guang yuan ; wang jian hua ; xia guo yuan ; pan chuan de
On innovative administrative system of new rural CMS in Tonglu county
ZHAO Lifei;JIANG Caihong
A comparison of pilot operations of new rural CMS in 6 counties of Western China
wang he ping ; ye yi de ; wang shi dong ; li tao
On the Logical Nature of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System
SUN Shuyun;ZHAO Yuegao;CHAI Zikai
On establishment of new healthy countryside
LIN Yixing;WANG Qingrong;SHEN Jian