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China Rural Water and Hydropower
2016 Issue 7
Effect of Saline Water Irrigation on the Soil Water-salt Distribution and Seed Maize Yield
YUAN Cheng-fu;FENG Shao-yuan;HUO Zai-lin;Jiangxi Water Resources Institute;College of Hydraulic;Energy and Power Engineering;Yangzhou University;Centre for Agricultural Water Research in China;China Agricultural University;
Reference Evapotranspiration Estimation Based on SVM in Arid Areas
YANG Hui-juan;SU Xiao-ling;GUO Jing;College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering;Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University;
The Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of Water-saving Reform of Zhanghe Irrigation District
LE Zhi-hua;SHAO Dong-guo;LI Hao-xin;XU Bao-li;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;
An Analysis of Land Use Change and the Driving Force in Wuyuer River Basin
GUO Min;FANG Hai-yan;LI Zhi-ying;Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Research on the Operation Results of Ion-exchange Membrane Electrolytic Sodium Hypochlorite Generation Method
JIA Yan-nan;YAN Yuan-bo;DING Kun-lun;SUN Wen-hai;Department of Irrigation and Drainage;China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower;National Center for Efficient Irrigation Engineering and Technology Research-Beijing;
Exploration and Implementation of Bio-slow Sand Filtration Technology in Rural Rocky Desertification Areas
GAO Jing-yu;ZHU Lin-ge;LI Xiao-na;School of Karst Science;Guizhou Normal University;The State Key Laboratory Incubation Base for Karst Mountain Ecology Environment of Guizhou Province;State Key Engineering Technology Research Center for Karst Rocky Desertification Rehabilitation;
Research on Sediment Reduction Regulation Scheme of the Three Gorges Project
XU Yang;ZHANG Xian-ping;China Yangtze River Power Co.;Ltd.;Changjiang Survey;Planning;Design and Research Institute;
zuo jiang zuo jiang liu yu feng shui qi dian xing ci ji su de fen bu te zheng yan jiu
zhang yong li ; liang da shan ; guo hong guang ; zhang jing ; wang qing guo ;
The Measurement of the Soil Moisture Characteristic Curve and the Comparison of the Fitting Models of Seashore Saline Soil
JIANG Ming-liang;LI Fei;CHEN Xiao-bing;GUO Jian-qing;YAN Kun;WU Cong-wen;BU Fan-min;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Chang’an University;Key Laboratory of Coastal Zone Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation;Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Life Science;Yantai University;Shandong Coastal Saline Soil and Water Environment Engineering Research Center;
Research on Ecological Prevention and Control Measures of the Invasion of Golden Mussel in Water Conveyance Project
YU Miao;Dojiang Water Source Project Management Division;
Research on the Strategies of the Protection and Treatment of Agricultural Tailwater Pollution
HUANG Xiao-long;YU Yan-xin;DING Ai-zhong;ZHENG Lei;DOU Jun-feng;PAN Cheng-zhong;College of Water Science;Beijing Normal University;
The Reaction Conditions Affect and the Permeability Change for Modified Nano-iron Degraded Cr(Ⅵ) Contamination in Groundwater
LIU Zi-jian;ZHANG Nan;CUI Bin;Environment and Resources Institute of Jilin University;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;Environmental and Energy Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
Characteristics of Riparian Vegetation in Rural Flat Areas
LIN Li-huai;XIA Ji-hong;BI Li-dong;YI Zi-han;CAO Wei-jie;College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering;Hohai University;
An Analysis of Water-environment Effects of Rural Industrial Development in the PRD Region Based on the Industrial-Ecology Theory:A Case Study of Dongguan Watery Region
GAN Jian-wen;LIU Xiao-ling;College of Public Management;South China Agricultural University;
Health Risk Assessment of Typical Petroleum Contaminated Groundwater and Soil in Northeast China
LI Meng-long;DONG Wei-hong;BAO Li-xin;KOU Cheng;College of Environment and Resources of Jilin University;The Hydraulic and Hydroelectricity Reconnaissance and Designing Institute of Liaoning Province;
Research on Parameter Robust Estimation for Muskingum Model
SHEN Dan-dan;BAO Wei-min;LIU Ke-xin;GONG Ting-ting;ZHANG Qian;CHEN Wei-dong;College of Water Resources and Hydrology;Hohai University;
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters on InfoWorks Model of Urban Stormwater and Its Variations with Model Scale
CHANG Qing;LI Jiang-yun;ZHOU Yi;School of Civil Engineering;Wuhan University;
Research on the Model of Optimal Allocation of Regional Water Resources Considering Uncertain Parameters
WANG Biao;WU Xin-miao;QIE Zhi-hong;College of Urban and Rural Construction;Agricultural University of Hebei;
ITFO:An Interactive Two-Stage Fractile Water Resources Management Model
KONG Xiang-ming;HAO Zhen-da;HUANG Guo-he;Resources and Environmental Research Academy;North China Electric Power University;Department of Assets Administration;Central University of Finance and Economics;
Theoretical Construction of Indicator System of Benefit Assessment for Comprehensive Management in Small Watersheds of Guangdong Province
ZHENG Guo-quan;WEN Mei-li;YANG Xian-jie;YANG Long;GONG Qing-hua;Guangdong Hydropower Planning and Design Institute;Guangdong Open Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology and Application;Guangzhou Institute of Geography;
The Exploration of Evaluation of Value Loss and Compensation Mechanism of Non-agricultural Use of Agricultural Water
CUI Jun;Business School;Hohai University;Nanjing branch of Bo Hai Bank;
Pump Fault Diagnosis Research Based on Wavelet Energy Set Similarity
GUO Jian-bin;CHEN Jia-wen;HAO Chun-ming;HAN Jun;YAN Jian-wei;LI Xin;Energy and Electrical Engineering Academy;Hohai University;Taihu Lake Area Water Conservancy Project Management Office;
The Experimental Medium Specific Speed Analysis and Performance Prediction
JU Wei;LI Zhi-peng;YUE Jin-wen;College of Energy and Power Engineering;Changsha University of Science and Technology;
Unsteady Numerical Simulation on Solid-liquid Flows and Wear in a Centrifugal Pump Based on DPM Model
HUANG Si;ZOU Wen-lang;ZHOU Jin-ju;HE Dong-ping;PENG Tian-yang;School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering;South China University of Technology;China Communication Construction Corp.;Guangzhou Dredging Co.;Ltd.;
The Transient Cavitation Characteristics of Mixed Flow Impeller
LI Jing-yue;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Xihua University;
PIV Test on the Rotor-stator Interaction between Impeller and Diffuser in a Centrifugal Pump
TANG Xiao-chen;ZHU Zhi-peng;QIU Yong;WANG Kai;WU Xian-fang;Jiangsu Zhenhua Pump Co.;Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology;Jiangsu University;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Jiangsu University;
Influence of Grid Roof to Seismic Response of Ground Hydropower House
HEI Can;WU He-gao;SHI Chang-zheng;FU Dan;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science;Wuhan University;
The Construction Technology of Slope Support for Outwash Accumulation in the Intake of Liyuan Hydropower Station
LIAO Wen-xiao;LIU Yong-lin;HUA Tian-bo;LIU Ying;LI Hong-tao;College of Water Resources and Hydropower;Sichuan University;Sino-hydro Bureau 7 Co.;Ltd;
Application of Garment CAD Marker System in Fabrication of Topographic Section Board of Ninghai Sluice Hydraulic Model
QIU Xue-feng;HU Zhao-yang;WANG Xin-qiang;School of Water Resources and Hydropower;Sichuan University;Fujian Provincial Investigation;Design and Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower;Fujian Hydraulics Research Center;
The Experimental Research on Bond Performance between CFRP Bars and the Coral Concrete
WANG Lei;WU Xiang;ZENG Rong;YI Jin;College of Architectural and Civil Engineering;Guilin University of Technology;Guangxi Key Laboratory of New Energy and Building Energy-saving;Guilin University of Technology;
Optimization Research on Layout Scheme of Canal System Construction Work Areas
WEI Cheng-yong;CHEN Xin;LI Xiao-wu;ZHANG Qian;ZHOU Wu-song;College of Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineering;Sichuan University;The Pearl River of Planning Survey Design Co.;Ltd;
The Optimal Design Model of Deep Digging Reservoir
CHEN Xiao-jun;WANG Wen-jun;WU Ying-jie;WANG Yu-chuan;QUAN Qiang;ZHOU Quan-cheng;YIN Hang;Institute of Water Resources for Pastoral Area;Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University;
Research on Whiplash Effect of Engine Room along Water Level Changes
LIU De-yu;ZHAO Lan-hao;LIU Zhi;College of Hydrology and Water Resources;Hohai University;
Direct Formula for Critical Depth in Catenary Cross Sections
CHEN Cheng;GONG Yi;XIA Xi;HU Jing;ZHANG Shou-du;College of Hydraulic;Energy and Power Engineering;Yangzhou University;Hongze Lake Water Conservancy Project Management Office in Jiangsu Province;Irrigation and Drainage Department;China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research;
Research on the Abrasion Resistance Properties of Rubber Concrete
ZHANG Ying-xue;LOU Zong-ke;GAO Feng;ZHANG Zhen;Water Resources and Architectural Engineering College;Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University;
Calculation of Energy Dissipation for Stilling Basin with Diffusion Trapezoidal Wing Wall Section
HUANG Chao-xuan;Zhejiang Provincial Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute;
Research on the Accumulative Damage of Beam-to-Column Connection with Weld Defect
QI Lan;ZHAO Fang-xing;QI Chao-long;State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety;Tianjin University;School of Architecture;Linyi University;
A Field Experiment on Sealing Materials for the Expansion Joints in Main Canals in an Arid Alpine Area
WANG Pei;LIU Tie-si;ZHANG Tao;YU Wei;Water Supply Company of Xinjiang Petroleum Administration Bureau;College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering;Xinjiang Agricultural University;
Accuracy and Error Analysis of Remote Transmission of Hydraulic Metal Structure Stress Signal
CHONG Chuan-qiang;WU Shi-jing;SHI Chun-ling;DAI Jin-chun;School of Power and Mechanical Engineering;Wuhan University;
Research on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Concrete after High Temperature
GUO Qiang;WU Shou-jun;ZHANG Bo;College of Water Conservancy and Architectural Engineering;Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University;
Power Production System Security Architecture and Key Techniques
DING Ren-shan;SUN Rui;HONG Lin;WANG Yu-hang;WANG Yan-yong;Yalong River Hydropower Development Company Ltd.;State Grid Electric Power Research Institute;NARI;
Research on the Pricing Method of Trans-provincial Acceptance of Hydropower Spilled Energy
ZHANG Jin;Zhejiang University;
The Influence of the Internal Flow Field on Francis Turbine with Different Proportions of Long and Short Blades
LUO Li;LAI Xi-de;ZHAO Xi;LUO Bao-jie;LI Jing-yue;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Xihua University;
Discussion on the Design of Reconstruction for Rural Hydropower Station
YE Yong;MOU Yu-chi;College of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering;Three Gorges University;
Deal With Unbalanced Magnetic Pull of Hydroelectric Unit
TANG Yong-jun;Technology Center of State Grid Xinyuan Company LTD.;