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Journal of Shandong Institute of Business and Technology
2009 Issue 1
shan dong gong shang xue yuan xue ren
gao yue
On the Risks of Land Banking Loan
YAN Hong-mao
Exchanges between Confucius and Qilu Culture
ZHANG Fu-xin
The Study Concept of Confucianism from the First Chapter of the Analects
WU Shu-qin;YANG Xin
Tax Policy Options on Adjustment of Energy Structure
LIU Ye-zhi
Study on TPL Order Processing System
The SWOT Analysis and Development Suggestion for Mount Tai Tourism Industry
ZHENG De-liang;YUAN Jian-hua
On Mercantilism between Sanghong Yang and Colbert
On the Development Modes of Coal Logistics Industry in China
LIU Li-jun;GUAN Xiao-ji