Geological Characteristics and Distribution Pattern of Luanchuan Stone-like Coal Deposit
Zhang Yunzheng1;Weng Jichang1;2;Chen Lei2;Wang Hongwei3;Yun Hui1;2 and Li Hongfa4(1.The Second Geological Exploration Institute;Henan Provincial Bureau of Geology;Mineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation;Xuchang;Henan 461000;2.Henan Provincial Geological Investigation Institute;Zhengzhou;Henan 450007;3.Luanchuan County Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources;Luanchuan;Henan 471500;4.Ruyang County Bureau of Land and Resources;Ruyang;Henan 471200)
Coal Quality Assessment in Badaojiang Mine Area,Hunjiang Coalfield
Wang Fengjuan1;Xie Xichao1;Gao Yuan1;Zhao Bo1;Gaoxiang1;Liao Fengrong1;Tang Yuegang1and Jiang Zaifu2(1.School of Earth and Surveying;Mapping Engineering;CUMT(Beijing);Beijing 100083;2.No.102 Exploration Team;Northeast China Bureau of Coal Geological Exploration;Meihekou;Jilin 135007)
On State Operation of Coalmines
Wang Tuqing;Wang Zhifei(Party School of the Changshan County Committee of C.P.C.;Changshan;Zhejiang 324200;Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C;Beijing;100091)