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Coal Geology of China
2002 Issue 1
ke ji dang an bian yan ying zhu yi de ji ge wen ti
xian hua
wang luo huan jing xia qi ye zu zhi de zhi li yu guan li mo shi yan jiu
duan li ; liu wen chun
mei tan di kan xing ye ru he jian li zhi liang ti xi
shen zhi hui ; sun yu chen
Error and Constraint Condition in The Optimization Method of Logging Interpretation
wang hui ; zhou cheng gang ; sun shao ping
Application of Vertical Stack Technique in Seismic Prospecting
zhuang yi ming ; sun pei lin
The Technique on Acquisition of Engineering seismic Investigation in City
duan jian hua ; hao wei hua
Application of Refraction Data in Reflection Seismic Exploration
xu chong bao ; sun li xin
New Tries for Anti- seep in Deep Foundation Pit
zhu wen bin
Application of Step Sinking Method Under Remain Rock Plug For Closing Aquifer in Main Shaft of Xinfa Coal Mine
shi rui ; guo yong jiu ; zhang gui hong ; zuo feng chun ; liu yu e
Applications of Remote Sensing Technique on Search of Surface Water Resources
sun yu chen ; shen zhi hui
Several Knowledges on Exploitation of Coal Bed Gas in Fushun Mining Area
ma yin qi ; cui yu huan
Discussion on Type Division of Coal Bed Gas Resources
lei chong li
Probe into Coal Bed Gas Mining Method on Integration of Coal and Gas
rao meng yu ; feng san li
Geological Conditions and Prospect of Coal- search in Eastern Chaoshui Basin
ma he ping ; wang yong ; li xun hua
Rare- earth Elements in Coal of South- western China
li da hua ; hu li zhong ; chen kun ; deng tao