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Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
2004 Issue 4
Reconstruction of pigmented epidermal equivalents including melanocytes
lu tao ; liu yuan ; jin yan ; gao tian wen ; liu zhong rong ; lei juan ; li zuo
Experimental study on heterogous transplantion of pig cartilages with X-ray irradiated
zhang jian wen ; chen yan tang ; liu lin zuo
The influence of Poly-β-Hydroxybytyrate (PHB) on biological behavior of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) cultured in vitro
wu jin hua ; ai yu feng ; dong zhao lin ; yang qing fang ; ai wei bing ; yi cheng gang ; wang zuo
Effect of self-curing soft padded-material on efficiency of mastication of complete denture
xu yuan yuan ; liang xing feng ; zhao zhong cheng
Verification of demofluorometer in rabbit
song bao qiang ; guo shu zhong ; zhang lin xi ; chen xiao li
Pathologic and bacteriologic change on blasted trauma of limb
zhang xu dong ; guo shu zhong ; hu yun yu ; zhang lin xi ; lu bing lun ; lei yong hong ; ni yun zhi ; tang jiang nan
Clindamycin in combination with prednisone for treatment of acne conglobata
fan ping shen ; liao wen jun ; sun lin chao ; fu meng ; gao tian wen ; hu xue hui
qie mo shu jia biao pi yi zhi zhi liao se su tuo shi de fang fa gai jin
xu he ping ; hu tai ping ; su xiao li ; zhang jie
The comparison of the curative effect of EpiCare laser in hair removal by the area of the body
wei wen lang ; huang hong xing ; zeng wei hui
Determination of serum testosterone of patients with Male Pattern Baldness
chen xue jie ; wang song shan ; long dao chou
she pin bi chu shi dian zhen zhi liao ye chou 32 li
liu guang ming
di sai mi song he zi ti biao pi xi bao yi zhi zhi liao jin zhan qi bai zuo feng
qian jiang ; chen zhi ; chen qing hua ; liu yong xiang
mian bu wu sun shang ji guang chu zhou chu tan
hong wei ; shang zuo ; jiang biao ; deng dian zhi
Combined surgery of L-type osteotomy with Temporal Facialplasty for correction of prominent malar-complex
jin zuo ; gui lai ; zhang zhi yong ; lv chang sheng ; niu feng ; yu bing ; liu jian feng ; xia de lin ; lu xiao sheng ; wang ji chang ; liu wei ; liu zuo zuo ; yu dong ; tang xiao jun ; zheng zong mei
Hymenorrhaphy through the vaginal incision
li lin ; li wen xue
Mini invasion and high speed skin dermabrasion for skin pigmented lesion
li jiang ; wang biao ; chen ming rui ; cao jing min ; liu ben li ; zuo yong
Excision of apocrine glands for the treatment of osmidrosis
zheng dan ning ; li qing feng
Compare of operating modes and complications treatment on reduction mammaplasty
xue wen jun ; huang guo bao ; ma hong rui
liang zhong fang fa zhi liao nan xing ru fang fei da zheng de bi jiao
sun shi bin ; tang you jian ; peng you lin
Combined use of submaxillary and cervico-shoulder flaps for repairing wound surfaces after facio-cervical scar resection
zheng jian sheng ; zheng qing yi ; cai shao fu ; chen jin he ; cai lin bi zhen
Double-ring improved incision applied reduction mammaplasty
wang xiao min
To discuss the main factors that influence effect of injective augmentation mammaplasty
peng xiao wu ; xu guo jian ; huang yuan chun
xian tian xing ji xing xie jing er ci shou shu zhi liao ti hui
zhuo yang ; hu zhi qi ; gao jian hua ; zeng xing ye ; huang da dao
gai jin yi da li dian zi xi zhi ji kuai su xi zhi fa
zheng yu lin ; hu peng fei ; mou xing rong ; qi xiao hong ; jiang jie ; cao zuo zuo ; yao zuo
kuo da bei kuo ji pi ban ru fang zai zao shu de hu li
zhang li ; ou mei yue
Intraoral curved osteotomy for hypertrophic mandibular angle
xu long shun ; zhang ling zhi ; he you cheng ; sun chao feng ; feng jian ; liu gang ; song mei ; li xue yong
Three-dimensional craniofacial measurement of normal Han young adult in Xi'an
zhou hong ; si xin qin ; ye xiang yu ; zou min
Application of aesthetic principle in treatment of oral and maxillofacial wound
jiang li jian ; li wei guo ; wu xin zhong ; wu ya cheng ; ai hong
Evaluation of effects of posterior pharyngeal flap transplantation repairing cleft palate in patients over eight years
qin rui feng ; feng xing hua ; wu zuo ; bai zhen xi
Comparison of craniofacial proportion indices between skeletal class Ⅱ and normal adults
hou yu xia ; zhou hong ; wang fei
Advance in study of Transforming Growth Factor -β signaling transduction
liu zhong ; guo shu zhong ; cao zuo
Treatment of blepharospasm with type A botulinum toxin
zhang jing ming ; lin wei ; wei min
lian xu mai xian zhong zuo cheng xing shu de gai jin
chen li ; liu chao hua ; jin guo hua ; wu feng ; zhao ming
zheng xing mei rong wai ke zhuan ke yi shi pei yang fang an he biao zhun de jian yi
wang zuo ; qi zuo liang ; li qing feng ; lin xiao zuo
pi fu ke yi xue mei rong jiao xue de ji dian si kao
li chun ying ; liu bin
lun zheng xing mei rong wai ke fa zhan de qu shi he zou xiang
wang zuo ; qi zuo liang
zheng xing mei rong zhuan ye za zhi jie shao ji yin te wang shang wen xian de jian suo
yi cheng gang ; guo shu zhong ; zhang lin xi ; shu mao guo
ying yong zuo ji guang xing mian bu chu zhou shu de hu li ti hui
hu xue hui ; sun lin chao ; fan ping shen ; xiao yan ; lu tao ; liu zhong rong
pi xia di bi chun gou pi ban xiu fu bi yi que sun de hu li ti hui
wang ai ying ; liu ye hui ; zhang zuo hong
wu zhong long ru qie kou de shu hou hu li
luo yan jie
zhu she qi fa xu lie zhi fang chou xi shu hu li ti hui
liu zhi fang ; zhao jing ; wang yan zuo
dan yan pi fu yuan shu 1 li bao gao
wang zuo zuo
pi fu lao hua de yi ban te zheng ji fa sheng ji zhi -- pi fu lao hua yu hua zhuang pin xi lie jiang zuo yi
liu zhong rong ; fan hong xia ; zhang hai long ; sun lin chao ; liu yu feng ; gao tian wen
The Syndrome With Skin Pigmentation
xue chun yu ; li zuo ; xing xin
Review of the application of distraction osteogenesis in cleft palate and lip
ding yu xiang ; liu yan pu
Advance in clinical management of orbitozygomatic complex fractures
liu xiao hua ; yang zhuang qun ; tan wei ming
Researching development of inflammation in pathogenesis of acne
wang da guang ; zhu wen yuan
The use of Botox in plastic surgery
shen ; dai chuan chang
Development of Measurement of the Maxillofacial Soft Tissue
fan xiao feng ; yang zhuang qun ; wen yi xi
The research progress of activator in treating anterior crossbite
liu hong ; wu gao yi ; duan yin zhong
guo wai mei rong yi xue zui xin dong tai
li zuo yuan ; liu zhong rong ; tu jun bo
Analysis of mental health in adult orthodontic patients
zhang zuo ; ding yong ; zou jing cai ; qu xiao li ; xun wen xing ; zhang xiu li
kou nei zhi qie kou fa feng zuo shu ti hui
li hui hui
guan qiao xiu fu gong yi zhong bao mai zhu zao de cao zuo yao qiu
lu fang li ; zhang yi quan ; wang bao cheng ; deng zai xi ; yue ye
Experience and progress for correction of prominent ears
feng chuan bo ; liu xiao jun ; gao jian hua
One stage reconstruction of auricle with Medpor pinna support
zhang ben shou ; lin zi hao ; zhao yue zhong ; huang hong ; cha jia hua ; xu zhi jiu ; wei fu tang ; zou ji lin ; zheng xiang ; xu liang biao
Treat upper eyelid skin flaccidness with eyebrow edge incision
shao hong ; liu zuo