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Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
2004 Issue 2
Study of a novel Nanosphere complexes-mediated VEGF gene transfection on fibroblasts in vitro
jia ning ; dai hui ; mao hai quan ; chen su min ; yi cheng gang ; guo shu zhong
The effects of ferrule and various material of post and core on the fracture resistance of anterior teeth residual root
zhou qiang ; chen ji hua ; wang hui ; zhao gui wen ; jia er man
The clinical research of modified pendulum application for upper molar distalization
zheng hong ; duan yin zhong ; wang ning ; leng jun ; jin zuo
The clinical application of green field molar distalization(GMD)
wang ning ; duan yin zhong ; zheng hong ; leng jun ; jin zuo
zuo lie xu lie zhi liao zhong ge ti liang hua jian kang jiao yu de she ji
ma zuo ; feng xing hua ; zhang jun zuo ; lu bin ; he ya hui
The treatment of the alveolar cleft by bone grafting to improve the contour of basis nasi
lu bin ; feng xing hua ; cao zuo ; bai zhen xi ; zhang jun zuo
Functional reparation of serious bilateral cleft lips with fork-liked flaps
li xiao lin ; wu guo hui ; liu shan ; zeng rui ; xia xiao ping ; liu cheng
The expression of Smad3 mRNA and Smad7 mRNA of TGF-β1 on keloid fibroblasts
yang li ; chai yu bo ; li zuo yuan ; guo shu zhong ; han yan ; tang su yang ; zhang lin xi ; shu mao guo
Comprehensive treatments of dermatitis hormone dependence
chen yong ; chen tong yun
zi ti xue wei mai zuo fa zhi liao bian ping zuo de chu bu yan jiu
zhao hui liang ; ruan xiu hua ; li yin zhen
mei lu xiao zuo gao zhi liao xun chang xing zuo chuang lin chuang guan cha
song hong guang ; shi ping ; yu dong mei
zhong xi yi jie he zhi liao xun chang xing zuo chuang liao xiao guan cha
guo shi jun ; zhang xuan man ; bian yu e
Comparison of biologic characteristics of human melanocytes in two different cultured conditions
zhao xiao dong ; liu zhong rong ; sun lin chao ; zhang hai long ; liao wen jun ; wang dong qing ; gao tian wen ; liu yu feng
hua zhuang pin pi fu bing 106 li lin chuang fen xi
zhang xiang feng ; li yue mei
Analysis of histopathology and the effect of surgery on 426 Nevus
qi xian long ; gao tian wen ; li chun ying
Fat granule grafting for repairing the pitting defects on face
cheng xin de ; zhao tian lan ; li guang zao ; xu jing ; ge shu xing ; wang huai gu ; li xu wen
Application of tissue adhesive -EPIGLU in plastic surgery
wang ji hua ; zhao ya nan ; xia guo xing ; liu hong li
Section of mastotic tissue and mastopexy with double-ring periareolar incisions
he jian ; lu xiao zuo ; ding yun ; mao jin feng
Different incision augmentation mammoplasty with silica gel-cyst prosthesis and treatment of the complications
xu hong xia ; zuo xiao hui ; zhang yong ; xue yan bin ; tan yun hua
ying jie er fa le zhu she yi zhi shu yong yu yan mian zheng xing
song jun lin ; wu xian xu ; sun lin chao
ying yong chao sheng dao zhi liao tou mian bu ju da shen jing xian wei liu
yuan zhi ming ; li bo da ; fei hong jiang ; lin ze xu ; huang hui ming ; chen de bo ; wu xiao hong
mian bu zuo hen de shou shu zheng fu
zhang fu kui ; chen zhao wei ; liu tong
zhi fang zu zhi yi zhi zheng fu tun bu ao xian
he zuo hua ; yang zhen yu ; lin jie ; wu wei hua ; yao jian min
huan suo fa xing yin dao jin suo shu 32 li
zheng xu zhu ; zhang li xian ; pan zuo ; pan wen jian ; cui ke qing
han qi pang pi dong mai zhen pi xia xue guan wang pi ban de lin chuang ying yong
zhang bo ; wang zhen guo ; wei meng qi ; yang qi
Research on the sintering properties of three kinds of dental porcelain systems and dental zirconia bridge material
he shuai ; chen ji hua ; shen li juan ; wang hui ; li zuo
Changes of the hard and soft tissues in patients with skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion after combined orthodontic and surgical treatments
leng jun ; duan yin zhong ; wang le wen ; li yong ming ; chen qiao ling
Repair complete unilateral cleft lip with Millard′s and Tennison′s method
yu bo ; zhang ping ; luo rui
Activity of protein kinase C in TGF-β1 effecting wound healing and scar formation of rabbit ear
zhang xuan fen ; guo shu zhong ; zhang lin xi ; liu kai
The experimental study of biocompatibility of a new kind of acellular dermal matrix
sun hong ; che peng cheng ; chen zuo ; wang xue li ; zhang xin wu ; wang pei ming ; wei jun xia ; yu da shan ; feng guang zhen
The experience of lower blepharoplasty on 350 cases
zhao wen bin ; zhu zhi sheng ; yang en pin
Lower nasal reconstruction:flaps from adjacent area
huang zuo ; zuo zhe ming
shen mei yu yue yu yu yue liao fa
liu zhi hua
shui jing ya shi de lin chuang yu shen mei
sun shao xuan
kang shuai lao yao wu yu fang fa de yan jiu
xu jin xiu ; liu hong li ; su xue jin
mu qian yi liao jiu fen de jie gou bian hua he fang fan
liu he rong
ye bu ju da zhi fang liu ban pi fu po kui 1 li
han sheng ; chou shu lin ; li bing ; zhang zuo nan
Reports of 473 cases of pigmental nevus treatment with laser
liu da hai ; zhou yun xia ; zhou yue feng
pi fu mo xiao shu zhi liao 3 zhong qiu zhen xing pi fu bing liao xiao guan cha
qian jiang ; liu yong xiang ; chen zhi ; chen qing hua ; zeng jian zuo
shi zhen yang ai 1 li
zhang gui lian ; liu bin ; wang wei jing ; gao li
To study the local parenchyma injury characteristic by limbs of animal
zhang xu dong ; guo shu zhong ; lu bing lun ; zhang lin xi ; li ying chun ; ni yun zhi ; yi cheng gang ; liu yun jing
Ultra-thin skin flap expansion for face and neck cicatrix treatment
li jiang ; wang biao ; chen ming rui ; cao jing min ; zuo yong ; wu yu jia
Clinical application of repaired scar in the plastic surgery
pang xing yuan ; bai yan ; yuan wei ; ren jun ; jiang lin ; li fan
zhi fang chou xi shu zhong zhang ma zui ye pei zhi gai jin
zhou wei bing ; fan hong qu ; wang zhi yong ; hao lu feng
l" xing qie kou ju ru suo xiao shu
hong wei ; shang zuo ; jiang biao ; deng dian zhi
liu zhi niao guan ba chu hou fa sheng niao zuo liu de yu fang ji hu li
wang hui cong ; zhao wei ; wang yao
zuo hen chun de wen shi ti hui
gu xiu ping ; chen wen juan ; zhou qing ying
A new augmentation mamaplasty:external soft-tissue expansion system
zhang lin xi ; guo shu zhong
Advances in nonoperative rhtyidoplasty
wen ke ; huang jin long
muscular tissue engineering:the effect of culture conditions
yang cheng ; zhou shu xia ; liu yan pu ; yang yao wu
Tyrosine kinase A expression correlates with perineural invasion in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma
wang lei ; sun mo yi ; yang yao wu ; cheng xiao bing ; li jian hu
The progress of research of the effect of IGF on cartilage
liu li feng ; yang zhuang qun ; xu yuan chao
The progress of research in pigment of the follicle
yang jun ; gao tian wen
The progress of research in hydroxyapatite and its compound biomaterial
cao chuan ; chen yan qing ; li shi rong
ji guang zhi liao zuo zheng ji ji guang ya chi mei bai -- ji guang mei rong xi lie jiang zuo jiu
sun lin chao ; lu fang li ; zhang yi quan ; gao tian wen ; li rong ; liu yu feng
pi fu zhong liu ji qi ta pi fu bing de ji guang zhi liao -- ji guang mei rong xi lie jiang zuo shi
sun lin chao ; gao tian wen ; li chun ying ; liao wen jun ; zhao xiao dong ; lu tao ; liu yu feng
guo wai mei rong yi xue zui xin dong tai
li zuo yuan
shu xun hui xun