Night Eating Syndrome and Its Correlative Factors
TIAN Zhi-peng;ZHANG Qian;ZHOU Hong-li;JIANG Yong-zhi;LIU Yong;Department of Student Affairs;Harbin Normal University;Department of Management;Harbin University of Finance;Agriculture and Water Conservancy Engineering College;Suihua College;School of Education;Inner Mongolia University For The Nationlities;Tieli Vocational Education Central School;
An Overview of Ideology on Resilience in China
XI Ju-zhe;ZENG Ye-tian;ZUO Zhi-hong;School of Psychology and Cognitive Science;East China Normal University;School of Preschool Education and Special Education;East China Normal University;
Mindfulness Training Improves Acceptance of Pain
WANG Yu-zheng;LIU Xin;XU Wei;LIU Xing-hua;Learningand Cognition Laboratory;Capital Normal University;Key Laboratory of Mental Health;Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;