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Journal of University of Science and Technology of China
2013 Issue 6
(Strongly) n-Gorenstein injective modules
WANG Xiujian;DU Xianneng
Design of quadrupole and sextupole magnets supporting mechanism for HLS storage ring and vibration tests of the prototype
ZHANG Yufang;PEI Xiangtao;WEI Wei;HONG Yuanzhi;WANG Jianping;FAN Le;WANG Yong
Simulation of dynamic mechanical behavior of NG TiAl at elevated temperatures
WANG Dong;LI Ziran;ZAN Xiang
Finite element analysis for tire cornering characteristics with tread pattern effects
ZENG Guang;LI Ziran;XIA Yuanming
Temperature measurement of Mach shock reflection by two-wavelength NO-PLIF method
CAO Chunli;XU Shengli;LIU Erwei
Gas Cherenkov detector calibration and cut efficiency study for Coulomb sum rule experiment in JLab Hall-A
YAN Xinhu;YE Yunxiu;L(U) Haijiang;JIANG Fengjian;ZHU Pengjia;SHI Ying
A new method of constructing osculatory rational interpolation function
JING Ke;KANG Ning;YAO Yunfei