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Journal of University of Science and Technology of China
2008 Issue 3
Optimal quantum control based on Lyapunov stability theorem
ZHANG Yuan-yuan;CONG Shuang
The distance and weight distribution of cyclic code of length 2s over F2a
ZHANG Xia;ZHU Shi-xin
An improved spatial spectra reconstruction algorithm in HF skywave radar
HOU Yu-guan;SHEN Yi-ying;LIU Yong-tan
Method research based on wavelet transformation template match
JI Yan;ZHANG Ying-hui
Area-optimized and low power consumption JavaCard processor
ZHANG De-xue;GUO Li;FU Zhong-qian
Salt-and-pepper noise removal by adaptive median filter and TV inpainting
WANG Chao;YE Zhong-fu
An agent selection algorithm in distributed network attack testing system
CHEN Wei-lin;ZHOU Hao;ZHAO Bao-hua
The optimal sets partition of randomized scheduling algorithm in WSN
LIU Yong-sheng;ZHOU Hao;ZHAO Bao-hua
Determining the foundry area of bronze vessels from Jiuliandun tombs based on phytolith analysis of casting core residue
QIN Ying;YAO Zheng-quan;WEI Guo-feng;HU Ya-li;WANG Chang-sui
Boundary element analysis of temperature field in orthotropic coating-structures
CHENG Chang-zheng;NIU Zhong-rong;ZHOU Huan-lin;HU Zong-jun
Determining stress singularity exponents of plane V-notches in bonded bimaterial
NIU Zhong-rong;GE Da-li;CHENG Chang-zheng;HU Zong-jun
An efficient recursive structure of MDCT/IMDCT for MPEG2 AAC
LI Lin;GUO Li;BAI Xue-fei;WANG Miao-feng
A method for designing exterior coils of capsule endoscope drived by magnetic field
LI Guo-li;LI Jian-ping;WANG Qun-jing;ZHANG Xing;HU Cun-gang;HAN Wei-xing
Stability of networked control systems with communication constraints
GE Yuan;LIU Zhen-an;CHEN Qi-gong;JIANG Ming
Reduced order H2 control of a smart cantilever beam
PENG Cheng;WANG Yong
Image classification based on non-negative matrix factorization and adjacency spectra
The approach to active learning on fuzzy neural network classifier
HU Jing;GAO Jun;YANG Jing