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China Particuology
2009 Issue 4
From micro-scale to technical dimension-Challenges in the simulation of dense gas-particle flows
Joachim Werther;Ernst-Ulrich Hartge;Jinghai Li;Wei Ge
Gas-solid interaction force from direct numerical simulation (DNS) of binary systems with extreme diameter ratios
S. Sarkar;S.H.L Kriebitzsch;M.A. van der Hoef;J.A.M. Kuipers
Rotation speed measurement of moving particles in a CFB riser
Xuecheng Wu;Qinhui Wang;Zhongyang Luo;Mengxiang Fang;Kefa Cen
Influence of liquid layers on energy absorption during particle impact
Sergiy Antonyuk;Stefan Heinrich;Niels Deen;Hans Kuipers
Interaction phenomena between liquid droplets and hot particles-Captured via high-speed camera
Sebastian Gehrke;Karl-Ernst Wirth
Experimental study of sedimentation characteristics of spheroidal particles
Jinsheng Wang;Haiying Qi;Changfu You
Drag models for simulating gas-solid flow in the turbulent fluidization of FCC particles
Peng Li;Xingying Lan;Chunming Xu;Gang Wang;Chunxi Lu;Jinsen Gao
Numerical simulation and experimental validation of gas-solid flow in the riser of a dense fluidized bed reactor
Xueyao Wang;Fan Jiang;Xiang Xu;Shengdian Wang;Xuezhi Wu;Baoguo Fan;Liangliang Liao;Jiachang Wang;Yunhan Xiao
CFD-simulation of a circulating fluidized bed riser
Ernst-Ulrich Hartge;Lars Ratschow;Reiner Wischnewski;Joachim Werther
Validation of a discrete element model using magnetic resonance measurements
Christoph R. Müiler;Stuart A. Scott;Daniel J. Holland;Belinda C. Clarke;Andrew J. Sederman;John S. Dennis;Lynn F. Gladden
Euler-Lagrange/DEM simulation of wood gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor
Michael Oeverrnann;Stephan Gerber;Frank Behrendt
Parallelization of pseudo-particle modeling and its application in simulating gas-solid fluidization
Jianxin Lu;Jiayuan Zhang;Xiaowei Wang;Limin Wanga;Wei Ge
Simulation-supported measurements in large circulating fluidized bed combustors
Joachim Werther;Ernst-Ulrich Hartge;Lars Ratschow;Reiner Wischnewski
Multi-scale HPC system for multi-scale discrete simulation-Development and application of a supercomputer with 1 Petaflops peak performance in single precision
Feiguo chen;Wei Ge;Li Guo;Xianfeng He;Bo Li;Jinghai Li;Xipeng Li;Xiaowei Wang;Xiaolong Yuan