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China Water & Wastewater
1999 Issue 5
Experimental Study of Direct Filtration
zhang jian feng ; jin tong gui ; jin wei ru
Factors Affecting Advanced Treatment of Landfill Leachate with Photo-Catalytic Oxidation
tan xiao ping ; wang guo sheng ; tang ke min
Determination of Trace Iodine in Water by Gan's Method
sun cheng zhi ; zhang yue e ; gong ping
Strategy for Improving Quality of Tap Water
Yue Shunlin
Reformation of Water Works by Using Advanced Technology
huang yu ping ; cai tong xin ; huang yi xuan ; lu xi hua
The Yangtze River Intake Pumping Station at Chenhang Reservoir in Shang hai
xu hui liang ; liu pei hua ; fang si jiu
Design and Operation of Biological Contact Process for Removing Iron and Manganese
dong li xin ; zhong ai qing
Discussion on Design of Automatic Fire Spriokler System
Pan Zhenqin
Effects of Molecular Structure of some Chemicals on Biodegradation
zhang zi jie ; ma ruo bing ; liu yu chuan
Development and Application of Mathematical Model for Activated Sludge Process
wang hui zhen ; wu jun qi
Study on Hydraulic Characteristics and Biological Nitrification of Internal-Circulation Biological Fluidized Bed
peng dang cong ; yuan lin jiang ; zhang wen ying ; wang zhi ying
Removal of Organic Micropollutants from Water by Permanganate Pre-Oxidation-GC/MS Analysis
ma jun ; li gui bai ; li xiao dong
Experimental Study on Treating the Mixed Wastewater of Landfill Leachate and Municipal Wastewater with ABR
shen yao liang ; wang bao zhen ; yang zuo da ; liu run fen ; xu fu yong
Optimal Operation of a Water Treatment System
tian yi mei ; dan jin lin ; chen zhe liang ; yan ping
A Study of Attached Dominant Bacteria to Enhance Viological Treatment of Coking Plant Wastewater
wu li bo ; wang jian long ; huang xia ; liu heng ; qian yi