Ultrafast spectroscopy of semiconductor saturable absorber mirror
Jing Zhang1;2;Dominik Bauer2;Farina Knig2;Thomas Dekorsy2;Xihe Zhang1;and Yafu Chen11Department of Physics;Changchun University of Science and Technology;Changchun 130022;China 2Department of Physics and Center of Applied Photonics;University of Konstanz;Konstanz;Germany
Conductively cooled 250-Hz single frequency Nd:YAG laser
Juntao Wang;Jun Zhou;Huaguo Zang;Xiaolei Zhu;and Weibiao Chen Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai Key Laboratory of All Solid-State Laser and Applied Techniques;Shanghai 201800;China
Measurement of third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility of synthetic diamonds
Jianxun Zhao1;Gang Jia1;Xiuhuan Liu2;Zhanguo Chen1;Jie Tang3;and Shuang Wang1 1State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics;College of Electronic Science and Engineering;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China 2College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China 3Applied Technique College;Jilin University;Changchun 130012;China