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Chinese Optics of Letters
2009 Issue 2
Ultraviolet Raman lidar for high-accuracy profiling of aerosol extinction coefficient
Fei Gao ;Xiaoquan Song;Yufeng Wang ;Yi Zhou;Dengxin Hua
Formation of domain reversal by direct irradiation with femtosecond laser in lithium niobate
Haisheng Zhu ;Xianfeng Chen;Hongyun Chen;Xuewei Deng
Three-dimensional photonic crystals containing designed defects achieved with two-photon photopolymerization
Ming Zhou ;Wei Zhang;Junjie Kong;Haifeng Yang ;Lan Cai
Influences of Y2O3 dopant content on residual stress,structure, and optical properties of ZrO2 thin films
Qiling Xiao;Shuying Shao;Jianda Shao ;Zhengxiu Fan
Derivative fluorimetry analysis of new cluster structures formed by ethanol and Water molecules
Bin Wu;Ying Liu;Caiqin Han;Xiaosen Luo;Jian Lu;Xiaowu Ni
Laser-produced plasma He-alpha source for pulse radiography
Ruirong Wang;Weimin Chen;Chusheng Mao;Jiaqin Dong;Sizu Fu
Multi-object quantum traveling ballot scheme
Yuan Li ;Guihua Zeng
Nanoscale displacement of the image of an atomic source of radiation
Xin Li;Jie Shu;Henk F. Arnoldus
Grating light modulator for projection display
Jiyong Sun ;Shanglian Huang ;Jie Zhang;Zhihai Zhang;Yong Zhu
Design of object surveillance system based on enhanced fish-eye lens
Jianhui Wu;Kuntao Yang;Qiaolian Xiang;Nanyang Zhang
Influence of scanning velocity on bovine shank bone ablation with pulsed CO2 laser
Xianzeng Zhang;Shusen Xie ;Qing Ye;Zhenlin Zhan
Evanescent waves of an annular left-handed material lens
Changchun Yan
A novel approach to improve the field emission characteristics of printed CNT films
Rujia Zou;Shaolin Xue;Dayong Li
Optically pumped terahertz lasers with high pulse repetition frequency: theory and design
Yude Sun;Shiyou Fu ;Jing Wang;Zhenghe Sun;Yanchao Zhang;Zhaoshuo Tian;Qi Wang
Characteristic of pulsed fiber laser induced by switching time
Hongming Zhao ;Qihong Lou ;Jun Zhou;Bing He;Jingxing Dong;Yunrong Wei;Zhijiang Wang
A high sensitive fiber Bragg grating cryogenic temperature sensor
Kuo Li ;Zhen'an Zhou;Aichun Liu
A 7-bit photonic true-time-delay system based on an 8 × 8 MOEMS optical switch
Ying Yang ;Yi Dong;Dawei Liu;Hao He ;Yaohui Jin;Weisheng Hu
A plating method for metal coating of fiber Bragg grating
Yulong Li ;Hua Zhang;Yan Feng ;Gang Peng
Characteristic research on mechanically induced long-period fiber gratings
Mingshun Jiang;Dejun Feng;Qingmei Sui
40-Gb/s star 16-QAM transmitter based on single dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator
Junming Gao ;Xinyu Xu;Qingjiang Chang ;Yikai Su
Diffractive beam parameters of LP01 mode of fiber
Lianhuang Li;Fuyuan Guo
A new family of two-dimensional triple-codeweight asymmetric optical orthogonal code for OCDMA networks
Hongxi Yin;Wei Liang ;Le Ma ;Liqiao Qin
Analysis of normalized throughput in WDM-based coherent time-spreading OCDMA system
Jianhua Ji;Zhiwen Chen ;Ming Xu