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China Ocean Engineering
1996 Issue 1
Basic Laws in Mechanics of Turbulent Flows
Dou Guoren
Static Analysis of Collision Strength of Offshore Platform
Li Runpei;Chen Weigang;Gu Yongning
Dynamic Ice-Induced Response of Offshore Fixed Platforms
Duan Menglan;Liu Chuntu;Wang Weiming
Probabilistic Distribution of Ice Forces on a Solitary Pile in the Liaodong Bay
Wang Yonggang;Shi Qingzeng
Parametric Analysis and Experimental Study on Local Flexibility of TY-Type Tubular Joints
Xu Hantao;Chen Bozhen;Hu Yurenx;Pan Hao
Groupiness of Sea Waves and Their Characteristic Parameters
Yu Yuxiu;Gui Manhai
Fuzzy Probabilistic Analysis of Seismic Stability of Coastal Embankment
He Guangne;Yang Bin;Wen Nai
Model Test of Sand Restraining Force on Pipeline
Zhang Jiangguo;Yan Chi;Yan Shuwang
Experimental Study on Superficial Sliding of a New Typa of Offshore Flatform
Wang Zhaojing;Zhang Ling