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China Public Security
2003 Issue 3
Americian broider check point research center
wu hong xia
Partition area of fire proof in building interior
Yang Ji Gong
Hydraulic computation in auto water spray system
Shuai Xiao Bao
Identification and thought about fire
fan bin ; ye zuo
Probe high-voltage fire several problems in petrochemical industry
wang ling shun
CAN bus and fire apparatus connector design
zeng de yun
Create china security enterprise core competition relying in CRM
Jiang Chang Hong
Discuss Some Aspects to Appraise a Digital Video Recorder
Zhou Chun qiao
Coordination theory applied in community security system
zuo zhi cheng
Long-distance transmission of video signal
wu wen ping
Monitor image transmission analysis
wu han wei chuang guang dian ji shu you xian gong si
Digital video technology in natural gas station of ShenLi oil field monitor
shi guang lian ; zuo xiao li
LianDi digital monitor in Angang steel
Science technology is the main battleground in crack down case
Zang Xin Fong
Introduction of biology identification technology
Lu Li Bo
Electron evidence collection
Li Shuang Qi
Observation in on-the-spot inquisition
zuo hong yun
Seize narcotic dog training procedure and method research
feng yi fan ; zhang zhi ; song xing guo ; fang jian qiang
Dog pestilence nasal mucus bacte iology cheek
sun ning ; xu ming ; he xiu ying
Deduce criminal suspect from action mark
zhang ze min
Crossing pass method in mix traffic condition comparative analysis
lu feng ; qian zuo wu ; hou gang
Public traffic conduct system engineering complete and evaluation
Yuan Jian Hua;Yu Chun Jun
Automobile stability trial device research
Fan Hua
Experiment form alcohol gasoline filling station
fu bang ju ; yin he
People is the basic in Tai Bei traffic
ji chun lin
Fill in gaps synchronize with international pace
fan chao
Trend of fiber transceiver in ITS
wang zuo
Technology create new police mode
Wan Han Qing
New trend of overseas evidence analysis development
Chen Shuang Yan
Promote "crack down crime " mechanism construction
cheng li ; ma shu de
Easy fire hydrant system rationality authentication
zheng jia zuo ; luo yan cheng ; wang yi gang
Probe city community fire safety system
ye guang yuan ; he pei
Fire survey in Hong Kong subway
wang ming zhen
Development and problem in intelligent community and home
Li Xian Guang
interest city security
Huang Ming Jian
Perspective bank security from "118"case of ShenYang province
Huo Zhi Jian
Patrol dog applied in "double rob"
Tang Fang Suo;Li Yu Sheng
Society pay attention to arson case increasing
wan ying
Discussion about "morality run safety"
zhou jian qi ; du yu qun
Develop police scouting technology of Buji district
li zhi zhong ; long hai yuan
Survey security police equipment mode
Su Jing Hua
Improve technology content of police protective equipments
Chen Yong Feng
China police vehicle in the future
Wang Jian Jun
The third generation alarm light source-LED
chen pin wei
New means of anti-violence
Computer network crime in China
Jiang Ping
Information security protect for public computer
Zhu feng Chi
Application of remote identification technology
zhang liang
How to monitor P2P software
zhou lian bing
Computer information system security system technology frame
zhang sheng
Stamp anti-fraud technology
Li Biao;Xie Peng
Concealed picture design and prospect
Xu Sheng Lin