Novel Coil Winding Method to Realize Pot Heated Evenly
Mao-Yan Wang;Hai-Long Li;Meng Zhang;Zhi-Tao Xu;Cui-Lin Zhong;Jun Xu;School of Physical Electronics;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;41st Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;Centre of Integrated Electronics;Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Terahertz Metamaterial Sensor Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Effect
Shao-Xian Li;Hong-Wei Zhao;Jia-Guang Han;Center for Terahertz wave;Key laboratory of Opto-electronic Information Science and Technology;Ministry of Education;College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering;Tianjin University;Key Laboratory of Interfacial Physics and Technology;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;