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Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
2013 Issue 2
Guest Editorial:Special Issue on Cloud Computing
Ya-Fen Chang;National Taichung University of Science and Technology;Jen-Ho Yang;Kainan University
Cloud-Based Supply Chain Integration Service Platform
Po-Chia Chiu;Graduate Institute of Political Economy;National Cheng Kung University;Anthony Y. H. Liao;Department of Applied Informatics and Multimedia;Asia University;Chin-Hung Liao;Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;Asia University;and Yung-Nane Yang;Graduate Institute of Political Economy;National Cheng Kung University;
Access Control Policy Analysis and Access Denial Method for Cloud Services
Chi-Lun Liu Department of Multimedia and Mobile Commerce;Kainan University
ID-Based User Authentication Scheme for Cloud Computing
Ping-Liang Chen;Jen-Ho Yang;Department of Multimedia and Mobile Commerce;Kainan University;and Ching-I Lin;Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences;Kainan University
A Confidential Non-Interactive Origin-Guarantee Message Transfer Scheme with Uniqueness
Ya-Fen Chang and Shun-Meng Pan;Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;National Taichung University of Science and Technology
An Effective QoS-Constrained Scheduling Scheme for Cloud Computing Services
Liang-Teh Lee;Kang-Yuan Liu;and Ming-Jen Chiang Department of Computer Science and Engineering;Tatung University
Parallelizing Modified Cuckoo Search on MapReduce Architecture
Chia-Yu Lin;Institute of Communications Engineering;National Chiao Tung University;Yuan-Ming Pai;Kun-Hung Tsai;Charles H.-P. Wen;and Li-Chun Wang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;National Chiao Tung University
A Distribution Management System for Relational Databases in Cloud Environments
Sze-Yao Li;Chun-Ming Chang;Yuan-Yu Tsai;Seth Chen;Jonathan Tsai;and Wen-Lung Tsai
Modified Packing Algorithm for Dynamic Energy-Saving in Cloud Computing Servers
Han-Sheng Chuang;Liang-Teh Lee;Che-Yuan Chang;and Chia-Ying Tseng
A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Campus Equipment Management System in Cloud Server
Yu-Cheng Lin Department of Multimedia and Mobile Commerce at Kainan University
Interpurchase Time of Customer Behavior in Cloud Computing
Hui-Hsin Huang Department of Business Administration;Aletheia University
Security-State Adjustable Gateway with Threat-Based Configuration
Chin-Fu Kuo;Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;National University of Kaohsiung;Yung-Feng Lu;Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;National Taichung University of Science and Technology;and Chi-Ying Chen;Department of System Research;Trend Micro
Analysis of Key Attributes Influencing the User Satisfaction towards Applications
Yu-Fan Ho;Department of Management Information Systems;National Chung Hsing University;Yi-Lun Chi;Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;Asia University;and Iuon-Chang Lin;Department of Management Information Systems;National Chung Hsing University
A Unified Framework of the Cloud Computing Service Model
Wen-Lung Shiau and Chao-Ming Hsiao;Department of Information Management;Ming Chuan University
Design of a House Lease Management System in Cloud Computing
Young-Long Chen;Siao-Jhu Shih;and Yi-Shang Liu the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering;National Taichung University of Science and Technology
Reversible Data Hiding for Medical Images in Cloud Computing Environments Based on Chaotic Hénon Map
Li-Chin Huang;National Land Surveying and Mapping Center;Min-Shiang Hwang;Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering;Asia University;and Lin-Yu Tseng;Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering;Providence University
Toward Cloud-Based Parking Facility Management System: A Preliminary Study
Chung-Yang Chen;Wen-Lung Tsai and Tzu-Yin Chen
Solving Dynamic Spectrum Management Problem Based on Cloud Computing Using Genetic Algorithm
Ping-Liang Chen;Yu-Cheng Lin;and Shin-Jia Chen
Cloud-Based E-Learning Assessment and Remedial Tutoring System: A Case Study of the Idioms Self-Study in Elementary School
Anthony Y. H. Liao;Chin-Hung Liao;Department of Applied Informatics and Multimedia at Asia University;and Jui-Chun Chien;Shuang Dong Elementary School of Nantou County