efficiency of a re-usable carius tube for determination of platinum group elements in ultramafic rocks
LIU Yingying;QI Liang;ZHAO Zheng;HUANG Xiaowen;WANG Yichang;State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry;Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Resource Assessment;Institute of Mineral Resources;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;
fluid inclusion, siliceous rock geochemistry of shewushan lateritic gold deposit, hubei province, eastern china: implication for the genesis of primary orebody
WANG Minfang;ZHENG Youye;XU Rongke;LIU Yunguang;XIAO Fan;CHENG Shanwen;SUN Xiangmin;Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China;State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Institute of Geological Survey;China University of Geosciences;Sichuan Institute of Nuclear Geology;Nanjing Center;China Geological Survey;Shewushan Gold Mine Co. Ltd;No. 4 Geological Party;Hubei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources;