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Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
1993 Issue 2
The Hot-Spring Genesis of the Shimen Realgar Deposit, Northwest Hunan
ZHANG JINGRONG;WANG WEI;YANG FAN;CAI TONG;Department of Earth Science;Nanjing University;Nanjing;210008
Periodicity of Element Changes in the Upper Devonian Strata of Dachang Area, Southern China——A Case Study of Spectral Analysis
ZHOU YONGZHANG Institute of Geochemistry;Academia Sinica;Guangzhou;510640ALAIN ROULEAU;University of Quebec at Chicoutimi;Canada
A Study on the Dissolution Kinetics of Basalt-Water Interaction under Different pH Conditions I: Release of Elements and pH Neutralization Effect
DANG ZHI;HOU YING;Institute of Geochemistry;Academia Sinica;Guiyang;Guizhou;550002
Characteristic Features and U-Pb Isotopic Ages of Zircons in a Middle Proterozoic Granite Pluton from Baoban Area, Hainan Province, China
YU SHOUJUN;XIA PING;DENG TIEYIN;LI QIANG;Department of Geology;Zhongshan University;Guangzhou;510275CHEN YUWEI;Institute of Geochemistry;Academia Sinica;Guangzhou;510640
Remobilization of Iodine in Marine Sediments During Early Diagenesis
CHENG XIANHAO The 2nd Institute of Oceanograph;State Oceanographic Administration;Hangzhou;3100012
Geochemical Types of Granitoids of the Mongol-Okhotsk Belt and Their Geodynamic Settings
MIKHAIL I. KUZMIN;VICTOR S. ANTIPIN;Institute of Geochemistry;Irkutsk;Russian Academy of Sciences
Rb-Sr Geochronology and Magma Source of the Mesozoic Fault-Granite Belt, East Shandong
Cm XIAOGUO;LIN JINGQIAN;Changchun University of Earth Science;Changchun;130061
A Study of REE and Pb, Sr and N d Isotopes in Garnet-Lherzolite Xenoliths from Mingxi, Fujian Province
HUANG WANKANG;WANG JUNWEN;Institute of Geochemistry;Academia Sinica;Guangzhou;510640BASU;A. R.;Department of Geological Science;University of Rocherster;USATATSUMOTO;M.;Branch of Isotope Geology;U. S. Geological Survey;Denver;USA
The Partitioning of Tungsten between Aqueous Fluids and Silicate Melts
XU YONGSHENG;ZHANG BENREN;HAN YINWEN;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan;430074