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Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
1991 Issue 3
TL Dating of Loess in China
Huang Baolin;Lu Liangcai;Institute of Geochemistry;Academia Sinica
On the Origin of the Carat as the Unit of Weight for Gemstones
TAO ZHENGZHANG;Chengdu College of Geology;Chengdu
REE Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks in Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces and Their Geological Significance
WANG JIANFENG;Chengdu College of Geology;Chengdu 1)Wang Jianfeng et al. A study on the formation mechanism of Mesozoic volcanic rock-type U deposits in northwestern Zhejiang
The Law of Element Abundance Relationships in Igneous Rocks Petrogenetically Associated with Fractional Crystallization
WANG YUNLIANG;WANG WANGZHANG;Chengdu College of Geology;Chengdu;610059
An Experimental Study on Picromerite Equilibrium in the Five-Component Brine System K-Na-Mg-Cl-SO4-H2O
Gu SHUQI;LIN HUANZHU;Guo ZHIQIANG;SHI JIANYE;Geological Institute for Chemical Minerals;Ministry of Chemical Industry
Trace Element Geochemistry of Tertiary Continental Alkali Basalts from the Liuhe-Yizheng Area, Jiangsu Province, China
ZHI XIACHEN;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei
Geochronology of the Dahongshan Group
Petrochemistry, Age and Petrogenesis of the Shexian Pluton in Southern Anhui
Xing Fengming;Xu Xiang;Ren Siming;and Li Yingyun;Institute of Geological Sciences of Anhui Province;Hefei;230001
Chemistry and Evolution of F ergusonite-Group Minerals,Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia
GONG WEILIANG;Institute of Geochemistry;Academia Sinica;Guiyang;550002