Nitrogen Deposition and Its Spatial Pattern in Main Forest Ecosystems along North-South Transect of Eastern China
ZHAN Xiaoyun;YU Guirui;HE Nianpeng;FANG Huajun;JIA Bingrui;ZHOU Mei;WANG Chuankuan;ZHANG Junhui;ZHAO Guangdong;WANG Silong;LIU Yunfen;YAN Junhua;Synthesis Research Center of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network;Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Ecology and Environmental Science;Inner Mongolia Agricultural University;College of Forestry;Northeast Forestry University;Institute of Applied Ecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Forest Ecology Environment and Protection;Chinese Academy of Forestry;South China Botany Garden;Chinese Academy of Sciences;