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Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Industrial Hygiene
2016 Issue 6
Epidemiological analysis on 13 644 patients bitten by animals in Xiqing District of Tianjin
CAO Hui;JIANG Guang-qi;Xiqing Centre for Disease Control and Prevention I;
The application of single positive sentinel lymph node in axillary conservative surgery of breast cancer
LIU Qiu-hua;LUO Guo-qing;HU Ning-dong;DING Ming-yun;Qingyuan People’s Hospital;
Development in the treatment of clavicular fracture
JIA Jian-zhong;Department of Orthopedic;Tianjin Fourth Hospital;
The clinical application on the drug treatment of cardiovascular disease
YU Zhi-gang;Hangu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Binhai New Area;
Treatment of intertrochanteric fracture of femur
WANG Lian-jing;Orthopaedics;Tianjin Fourth Hospital;
Correlation between behavioral and psychological symptoms and caregiver burden in Frontotemporal Dementia
LIU Shu-ling;LOU Qing;JI Yong;Department of Neurology;Tianjin Huanhu Hospital;
Development in diagnosis and treatment of nontuberculosis mycobacterial lung disease
LIU Guo-wei;BAI Da-peng;MEI Zao-xian;Department of Tuberculosis;Tianjin Haihe Hospital;
A review on treatment of diabetes with drugs-insulin administration
WU Da-wei;Nankai District Xuefu jie Community Health Service Center;
Study development on Cervical precancerous lesions screening
WANG Hong;CHEN Ting;Hangu women and children’s health center Binhai New Area;
A review on treating and diagnosis to neonatal asphyxia
MA Xue-lu;Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University;
Current treatment review of infant hemangioma
CHENG Shu-qing;Child Healthcare Department;Beichen District Dazhangzhuang zhen Community Health Service Center;
Advanced research on animal model made of carotid atherosclerosis
CUI Wen-yu;DU Ran;Department of Radiology;Tianjin Fourth Central Hospital;
Research status on the treatment of cerebral infarction with the combination of the ganglion glycosides and other drugs
CUI Gui-xia;Department of internal medicine;the people’s Hospital of Taonan City;
Research progress in MRI technology MRI-compatible heart pacemaker
JIAO Cui-cui;LIU Xin;CHEN Sheng-li;Department of Radiology;Tianjin fourth Centre Hospital;
Ways and methods of industrial ventilation
WU Shan-shan;HOU Yu-geng;ZHAO Yu;Dongli center for Disease Control and Prevention;
Detection results on urinary iodine of pregnant women and children 2015 in Beichen District’Tianjin
ZHAO Feng-xian;Beichen District Center for Disease Control and prevention;
Investigation on Constitution of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Noise Exposed Workers
LI Guan-rong;LI Min;The People’s Hospital of Wuchuan;Guangdong Province Hospital for Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment;
In whole blood testing by atomic absorption spectrometry
CHEN Mei-zhu;XIE Kai;GUO Ping;ZHANG Sheng-can;ZHANG Qi;Longyan Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
Influence of new type of medical waste classification vehicle on nurses from occupational exposure
LI Yu-jing;YU Xi-hong;Diabetes department;Zhengzhou Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine;
Analysis on Epidemic situation of hepatitis C in He xi District of Tianjin,2005-2015
YANG Dong-ping;SHI Tong-xin;Center for Disease Control and Prevention of He xi District;
A survey of family aggregation on pertussis
CAI Yan;LIU Xiao-chuan;XU Qing-yang;LIU Ya-song;SUN Zheng-yi;JIANG Guang-qi;Xiqing center for disease control and prevention;
2011-2013 nian zuo zhou qu xin sheng er ji bing shai cha jie guo fen xi
ma qing xiang ; qiu zhao ping ; lu quan dong ;
Optimization analysis on the trypsin amount of influenza virus in cell culture
MU Yu;Beichen District Center for Disease Control and prevention;
er tong que tie xing pin xue de lin chuang fen xi
wang hua mei ;
Analysis and nursing on children’s fear of medical treatment
WANG Ying;Nanbei Dajie Station Gua Jiasi temple community health service center;Hexi district;
Development Status and expectation in primary CDC laboratory capacity building
LIU Ke-bin;Hedong District Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
xin sheng er zhi xi qiang jiu zhong de hu li ti hui
zhao li ;
can song yang xin jiao nang zhi liao wen ding xing xin jiao tong lin chuang guan cha
qu shen cheng ; zhou xiao bo ; kou shuang qing ; wang cong ; yu ying ;
Training and promoting on practice capability of nursing ward rounds guided by subjects
WANG Jing;QIN-Xia;CHANG Hong-juan;General Hospital of PINGMEISHENMA Medical group;College of nursing;Xinxiang Medical University;
Experience of improving cerebral angiography safety
ZHU Lin;Ward three;Tianjin Huanhu Hospital;
wu shui yi chun ning jiao zai ren shen qi ya sui yan zhai chu ya sui shi de ying yong
zhao chen guang ; li zuo ; wang jin hui ;
gui zhi tang lin chuang zhi yan ju yu
qin xue juan ;
xun hui wu feng xi hu li zai jian qing shou shu jin zhang du zhong de ying yong
wang xiang ping ; ma hui luo ; wang xiao juan ;
zhong yi zhi liao e xing zhong liu yong yao li ju
xiao gang ;
11 cases for spermatic cord liposarcoma and literature review
LIU Gui-zhong;WANG Rui-xian;Xianshuigu Hosipital Jinnan District;
fei bu zi gong nei mo yi wei zheng 6 li lin chuang fen xi
zhong guang chun ;
Clinical application of ectopic pregnancy diagnose by transvaginal ultrasound combined with abdominal ultrasound
LIU Wen-jun;PAN Hui;Ultrasonic room;Baodi District People’s Hospital;
qing fei tong fu fa zhi liao zu zhong xiang guan xing fei yan liao xiao guan cha
zhang shi yuan ; li gui wei ;
shu zhang xing xin li shuai jie lin chuang te zheng fen xi
xie yan qun ;
Clinical reports on 5 cases of pelvic abscess after cesarean delivery
SUN Lu;Tianjin Central Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology;
Significance of ultrasound diagnosis of renal tumors
LV Chun-ying;Beichen district center for disease control and prevention;
zi gong nei mo yi wei zheng yu ning xue gong neng de guan xi
chen qing hai ; zuo xiu jie ;
Effect of isolated position on osteogenic ability of periodontal ligament stem cells
ZHENG Wei;Department of Orthodontics;Tianjin Stomatological Hospital;
xiao er quan ma zui you dao zhong quan ping qi fu mi xi ru ma zui de ying yong
cao li yan ; yang jie ; jiang zu de ;
Application on Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of congenital heart disease
PAN Hui;LIU Wen-jun;Ultrasonic room;Baodi District People’s Hospital;
cable-ready xi tong zhi liao zuo gu gu zhe liao xiao fen xi
sun zuo ; li xue han ;
bi qiang kuo rong shu zhi liao osahs xiao guo fen xi
fu wen yi ;
s100a9 zai wei ai zhong de biao da ji yu lin chuang yi yi fen xi
hong xiao cheng ; zhang chi tang ; lin han ; he zuo mei ; cai hui qun ;
hu xi ji zhi liao zai nao chu xue li ti ding xiang zuan kong yin liu shu hou de ying yong
li yuan ; peng qiao zuo ; liang pei lun ; huang qi rui ; huang wen fei ; song qin ; luo wen bo ; wang zhi qiang ;
luan chao nang zhong he bing yi xian yan huan zhe de hu li
zhao chun yan ;
qi shi
qian lun yi yuan icu bing fang xi jun gan ran
hu xue yan ;
Comment on Nursing cooperation of organ donation
SUN Ping;Operating room;Tianjin first central hospital;
The Application of Total Quality Management on Improving The Quality of Medical Record
LIU Ting-ting;XIA ling-guo;Tengzhou Central People Ds Hospital affiliated to Jining Medical University;
qian xi ru he jia qiang yi yuan de shou fei guan li gong zuo
zhao ya zhuo ;
zong he yi yuan xin fang gong zuo ling tou su de san ji guan li
zhang jun ru ;
Investigation and analysis of air quality in some air conditioned restaurants in Hedong District
WANG Ya-nan;Centers for disease control and prevention of Hedong District;
Analysis on the Health Supervision and Inspection Results in Public Places in Longyan Urban Are
ZHANG Zhi-chao;CHEN Li-qiong;DUAN Li-fang;Public Health Section of Longyan Municipal Centre for Disease Control and Prevention;
xue zhan yi wu ren yuan de zhi ye wei hai diao cha yu fang hu
chen shu fang ; zhang mei ping ;
Evaluation and analysis of occupational disease prevention facilities in a painting workshop
HOU Yu-geng;WU shan-shan;WANG Yan-ling;ZHAO Yu;FENG Hong-tao;JIANG Chang-cheng;Department of occupational health;Dongli district center for disease control and prevention;
Evaluation of oil field equipment project by ICCT and check list
PING Qing-ling;HOU Guang-qing;ZHU Zhi-liang;Evaluation of occupational disease prevention and Control Office of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau;aoan District Centerfor Disease Control and Prevention Shenchen;