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Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
2003 Issue 1
MRI feature of myoepithelioma in nasalcavity--a case report with literature review
wu zheng guang ; chen xiu ping ; zhou jian hui ; li hua ren
MRI of ischemic cardiomyopathy
zhang zhao zuo
Evaluation on MRI in prognosis of cerebral infarction
li kun cheng
Accuracy of ADC map derived from the SSEPI-DWI for estimating the intramedullary extent of malignant bone neoplasms
meng zuo fei ; ma ling ; chen ying ming ; jiang bo
Evaluation of application of magnetic resonance hydrography in gastrointestinal disease
zhang xiao peng ; li xue dan ; sun ying shi
Chest CT manifestations of severe acute respiratory syndrome
lu pu xuan ; gong xiao long ; yang gen dong ; liu jin qing ; zheng guang ping ; zhou bo ping ; yuan ming yuan ; yuan ben tong
The diagnostic and reconstructional value of multi-slice CT in patients with breast cancer
zhang wei ; guo qi yong ; chen pei qing ; zhang jia ; wang xiao xia
Study of angiogenesis in ischemic myocardium after acute myocardial infarction in dogs
sun li jun ; liu ying ; zhao hai tao ; huan zuo ; ge ya li ; zuo fa bao
Experimental study of DWI and PWI in acute cerebral ischemia - reperfusion
wei meng zuo ; huan zuo ; zhao hai tao ; han yue dong ; zhang jin song ; ge ya li ; xu jun qing ; du wei qing
Study of MRI findings and Diagnostic value of MR myelography of cauda equina tumors
yuan fei ; wang shao wu ; xue cai xia ; song qing wei ; kang jian yun
Relationship between changes functional ability of patients with acute spinal cord injury and severity of damage revealed with MRI
wang shao wu ; feng qing yu ; yuan fei ; xu bin ; song qing wei ; lv de cheng ; zhang wei guo
Clinical study of temporal lobe epilepsy with quantitative MRI
ju sheng hong ; chen feng ; zheng kai er ; ji zuo ; zuo gao jun ; yang tian ming
chuang kan ci