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China Safety Science Journal
2002 Issue 4
Study on Schemes and Key Parameters of Seismic Alarm System for Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway
liu lin ; yan gui ping ; xin xue zhong
Calculation and Analysis on the Elastoplastic Seismic Response of Frame Structure with Braces
li liang ; zhao cheng gang ; yang zhen mao
Study on a Neutral Network Model and its Application in Predicting the Risk of Rock Blast
bai ming zhou ; wang lian jun ; xu zhao yi
Predicting the Amount of Water Inflow in Tunnel by Stationary Random Model
li xing gao ; liu wei ning ; zhang zuo qing
Safe Driving Technology for TBM across Poor Geologic Zones
wang zhan sheng ; wang meng shu
Floor Heave Control on Coal Seam Roadway by Bolt Support
yang zhen mao ; ma nian jie ; wang yun xia
Study on the Loctaion Model of a Safe Dumpsite for Hazardous Materials
sun hui jun ; gao zi you
Relationship between Traffic Safety and Safety Environment of Expressway
liu zhi qiang ; wang wen jin ; li ya qiang ; mao zuo
A Safe Voting DVP Software Model Based On Fuzzy Colored Petri Net
wang hai feng ; zhang zhong yi
Neural Network Model for Predicting the Radius of Moistened Coal Layer Instilled with Water
xiao guo qing ; liu ying xue ; zhu yong jian ; chen bao zhi
Study on Improving the Application Reliability of the Inner Mould of Cold Drawing
yang yu hua ; liu xin xi ; zhao yun sheng
Ponder over Accident Preventive Measures in China
luo yi xin ; xiong ren qin ; zhang hong bo
Preliminary Discussion on Three Basic Elements of Safety Management
yang hong xu ; yao long jiang
Probe into the Decision Mechanism of Premium Rate for Occupational Injury in China
chen sheng ; liu gong zhi ; geng feng ; liu tie min