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Journal of Political Science and Law
2002 Issue 3
Remarks on Moral Education for Public Security Institutions of Higher Education
liao chuan feng ; xu wei cheng
Theoretical Studies of Quality Education and Cultivation of Creativity for Law Majors
zhang jin hong ; xing hong ; peng hong
Enhancing Practical Teaching for the Investigation Course
lin wei ye
Remarks on Raising Students' Police Consciousness in Teaching
zhang xiao min
Reflections on the Teaching of the Civil Law
hu dan ying
Legal Protection of Intellectual Property in E-Commerce
li zheng hua
Issues Concerning Evidence Law in the Reform of the Mode of Civil Trial
luo zuo zuo ; hu wei qun
A Probe into Contemporary International Policing Systems
jing chang ling
Consideration on Controlling "Network Bars"
song dan
Suggestive Methods in Investigation and Interrogation
zhao gui fen
On the Teaching of Investigative Procedures
xie sheng jian
On the Excluded Liability of Sea-unworthiness in Ship Lnsurance
li dao feng ; li wei jun
On Raising the Citizens' Awareness of the Constitution
zhang zhi chang
Recognition of the Object in Criminal Law
he xue jun
A Comparison between American and British Strict Liability and Related Liability
xiong xiang dong ; zuo chao zuo
Issues of Strict Liability in the Criminal Law
zhou zuo