A Semantic Similarity Measure between Ontological Concepts
LI Wen-Qing1 SUN Xin1 ZHANG Chang-You1; 2 FENG Ye3 1. School of Computer Science and Technology; Beijing Institute of Technology; Beijing 100081 2. School of Information Science and Technology; Shijiazhuang Tiedao University; Shijiazhuang 050043 3. Beijing Institute of Control Engineering; Beijing 100190
Affine-invariant Shape Recognition Using Grassmann Manifold
LIU Yun-Peng1;2;3;4 LI Guang-Wei5 SHI Ze-Lin1;2;3 1. Shenyang Institute of Automation; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shenyang 110016 2. Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronic Information Processing; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shenyang 110016 3. Key Laboratory of Image Understanding and Computer Vision; Liaoning Province; Shenyang 110016 4. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049 5. Department of Management Science and Engineering; Qingdao University; Qingdao 266071
Fish Swarm Inspired Underwater Sensor Deployment
XIA Na1; 2 WANG Chang-Sheng1 ZHENG Rong3 JIANG Jian-Guo1; 2 1. School of Computer and Information; Hefei University of Technology; Hefei 230009; P. R. China 2. Engineering Research Center of Safety Critical Industrial Measurement and Control Technology; Hefei 230009; P. R. China 3. Department of Computer Science; University of Houston; Houston 77204; USA