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Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
2015 Issue 1
Calculated analysis on the inhibition interaction formed film of bronze cultural relics surface by AMT
JIANG Li-Yan;,PANG Li-Wen;,LI Xiao-Dong;,AN Mei-Mei;
A method to calculate the exchange coupling constants in single-molecule magnets
HU Yao-Qiao;,ZHANG Zhao-Fu;,SUN Hao;,ZHOU Tie-Ge;
Analytic wave functions and energies for the ground states of argon-like atoms
ZHANG Yong;,HUANG Shi-Zhong;
Ab initio study of structure and stability of (CuIn) n(n=1, 2) clusters
HU Ji-Ping;,LIU Feng-Li;,LIU Feng-Min;,YU Zhao-Xian;
Molecular dynamical simulations of melting properties of Al n (n < 10000) clusters
HAMID Ilyar;,LI Chun-Li;,FANG Meng;,DUAN Hai-Ming;
Density functional study on the structures and properties of (HgSe) n(n=1~6) clusters
XIAO Jian-Yun;,TAN Peng;,ZHANG Mei-Zhou;,LIU Xin-Ping;
The formation of Xe L shell hole and its de-excitation radiation by Xe26 + impacting Au target
Li Yao-Zong;,Zhang Xiao-An;,Ma Qing;,Ma Feng-Quan;,Liang Chang-Hui;,Zhao Yong-Tao;
Effective charge of partially stripped carbon ions in helium double ionization at hundreds keV/amu energies
WANG Shi-Yao;,AN Yu-Rong;,CHEN Jia-Lin;,YANG Ai-Xiang;,NIU Shu-Tong;,LIU Wen-Biao;,CHEN Xi-Meng;,SHAO Jian-Xiong;
Scheme for preparation of W state in cavity QED
ZHANG Lei;,QIANG Wen-Chao;
Effect of Raman gain on the self-steepening characteristic in isotropic fiber
LIU Bao-Lin;,JIA Wei-Guo;,QIAO Hai-Long;,WANG Xu-Dong;,MEN-KE Neimule;,YANG Jun;,ZHANG Jun-Ping;
Influences of Compton scattering on plasma channel lifetime
FENG Guang-Hui;,HAO Dong-Shan;
Study on the electro-magnetic properties of Mn doped GaN diluted magnetic semiconductors
WU Zhi-Min;,WANG Meng;,DENG Jun-Quan;
The effect of long-range electron correlation on polarizability of exciton in polymer
CHEN Shao-Bo;,ZHAO Hua;,CHANG Liu-An;,ZHANG Guo-Wei;
Magnetic studies of R-C60 polymer
WANG Su-Qin;,YU Yao;
Preparation and microwave absorbing properties of CoFe2 O4/cenosphere composites
LI Yu-Shan;,LIU Hong-Yan;
First principles study on structure and electronic properties of FCC crystals for group IV
LUO Qiang;,YI Feng-Lian;,ZHANG Qiang;,TANG Bin;,QIU Yi;,RAN Zeng-Ling;
The half-metallicity and disorder effect of quaternary LiMgPbSb-type Heusler alloys CoFeTiSb
ZHANG Yuan-Qiang;,FENG Yu;,GAO Qin-Xiang;,HUANG Hai-Shen;
The properties of the strong-coupling exciton in slab of polar crystals
YANG Hong-Tao;,JI Wen-Hui;,HU Wen-Tao;,Huhemandula;