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Nuclear Physics Review
2002 Issue z1
Current-voltage Characteristic of Molecular Wires
li ying de ; li hong hai ; su yan ; wang chuan kui
A New Apparatus for Production of Jet-cooled Transient Species by Electric Discharge and Laser Ablation
zhang shu dong ; luo xiao lin ; zuo rui feng ; kong xiang lei ; zhang wei ; li hai yang
Electronic Structure of Sulfur Passivation GaAs(100) Surface
ma li ; wei shu yi ; wang jian guang
The Quantum Dynamics Research of Polyatomic Molecule Dissociative Absorption on Metal Surface
liu xin guo ; bai li hua ; zhang qing gang
An Approximation Method for Calculation of the Thermodynamic Function for Gas-solid Hydrogenating
jiang gang ; luo de li ; zhu zheng he
Spectrum-study of Air Plasmas by Laser-induced Breakdown
lin zhao xiang ; chang qi hai ; cheng xue wu ; li fa quan ; wang jia zuo ; wu li jin ; gong shun sheng
Studies on the Optical Properties of Photoinduced Hemicyanine LB Films
han kui ; wang qun ; yin chun hao ; wu yu xi ; zhang guo ying
Free-free Transition in Presence of a Resonant Bichromatic Laser Field
zhang sheng tao ; chen ji ; li shu min
The Study of the SVRT Model of Quantum Polyatomic Reaction
yang mao you ; zhang shao long ; zhang zuo ci
Energy Dependence of the Total Cross Section of electron Scattering from CO and CO2 at Intermediate and High Energy Range
liu yu fang ; zhu zun lue ; meng hui yan ; sun jin feng
Molecular Reaction Dynamic for U and CO
xue wei dong ; zhu zheng he ; wang hong yan ; zou le xi
Calculation of Radiative Recombination Cross Secitons Using Distorted Wave Approximation
xia hai ning ; chen zhong yang ; qi jing bo ; wang yan sen
Stable Configuration of B+4 Molecule and Structure of Electron
yang chuan lu ; zhang zhi hong ; xu qiang ; gong yu bing ; ren ting zuo
Analytic Potential Energy Function and Stability for UHn+(n=1, 2, 3)
wang hong yan ; li quan ; zhu zheng he
Probabilities of Heavy Hydrogenlike Ions
zhang guo ying ; han kui ; yin chun hao ; wu yu xi
Study New Probing on Conformation of Biologic Organic Molecule
pang wen ning ; ding hai bing ; shang ren cheng
Molecular Structures and Spectrum for PuH and PuH2 Molecules
gao tao ; wang hong yan ; jiang gang ; zhu zheng he
A Automatic Measurement and Control System in Spectra and Lifetime of High Ionized Atom
li ning xi ; yang zhi hu ; huang xin min ; su hong
Ar(e,3e) Double Ionization Experiment at Low Collision Energy
JIA Chang-chun;A.Lahmam-Bennani;A.Duguet;L.Avaldi;M.Lecas;Dal Cappello
Research of Triple Differential Cross Sections of Ag+(4d10)
chen li qing ;y.khajuria; chen xiang jun ; xu ke zun
An Electron Momentum Spectroscopy Investigation on outer Valence Orbital 3a1 of Fluorotrichloromethane
yin xiao feng ; jia chang chun ; chen xiang jun ; zhang xu huai ; xu chun kai ; dan xu ; wei zheng ; xu ke zun
Reaction Collision of Atom and Diatomic Molecule
ding shi liang ; kong tao ; dong shun le
Electron-atom Scattering in Multi-chromatic Laser Field
zhu zun lue ; liu yu fang ; sun jin feng
Photodissociation of the Excited Rb2(E) State
shen yi fan ; shen lun
An Investigation of Absolute Generalized Oscillator Strengths for Krypton in Valence Shell
li wen bin ; zhu lin fan ; liu xiao jing ; yuan zhen sheng ; cheng hua dong ; xu ke zun
Study on Optical Oscillator Strengths of Krypton in 4s Autoionization Energy Region and 3d Inner-shell Excitations
yuan zhen sheng ; zhu lin fan ; liu xiao jing ; zhong zhi ping ; li wen bin ; cheng hua dong ; xu ke zun
An Electron Momentum Spectroscopy Investigation on Chlorodifluoromethane′s Outer ValenceOrbitals of 6a′, 4a″ and 3a″
zhang xu huai ; chen xiang jun ; jia chang chun ; xu chun kai ; yin xiao feng ; dan xu ; wei zheng ; xu ke zun
Bethe Surface of Krypton
cheng hua dong ; liu xiao jing ; yuan zhen sheng ; zhu lin fan ; zhong zhi ping ; li wen bin ; xu ke zun
Resonant Excitation Double-autoionization in Electron-ion Collision
chen zhong yang ; qi jing bo ; wang yan sen
Electron-impact Ionization Cross Sections and Rates for Highly Charged Argon Ions
zhao yong ; chen zhong yang ; wang yan sen
Study on Process of Ionized Ti-cathode in Electrolysis with Light Water
sun yue ; chen li cai ; zhang qing fu ; yang xiang dong
Multiphoton Ionization and ab initio Calculation Studiesof Pyridine Clusters
zhang bai lin ; mou xiao lan ; jin yan ling ; lou nan quan ; wang xiu yan
Theoretical Study on Stable Structures of Aluminium Cluster: Al+5
chi xian xing ; tian shan xi ; zhuang you yi ; xu ke zun
Monte Carlo Simulation for the Interaction of Swift H+2 Clusters with Solid Films
yang chao wen ; zuo jing wei ; yang bai fang ; shi mian gong ; liu xiao dong
The Measurement and Provement of H+4, H+5 and H+7 Cluster Ions
yang bai fang ; zuo jing wei ; yang chao wen ; shi mian gong
Studies On the StealthyFunction of the Carbon Cluster-like Material
xu guo liang ; luo jie ; liu bo ; jiang gang ; zhu zheng he
Colculation by Useing Symplectic Method for One-dimensional H in Intense Laser Field
liu xiao yan ; liu xue shen ; yang yu jun ; ding pei zhu
Symplectic Algorithm for Time-independent Schr(o)dinger Equation in the Strong Field
liu xue shen ; qi yue ying ; liu xiao yan ; ding pei zhu ; zhou zhong yuan
Spectrum Calculations of Hydrogen in Magnetic Fields with Pseudospectral Method
zou yuan chuan ; qiao hao xue
Laser-assisted Antihydrogen Formation between a Positronium and an Antiproton
li shu min ; chen ji ; zhou zi zuo ; zhang sheng tao
Positron-antiproton Radiative Recombination in the Presence of a Laser Field
li shu min ; chen ji ; zhou zi zuo ; zhang sheng tao
Laser-assisted Collisional Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen by Fast Proton
li shu min ; chen ji ; zhou zi zuo ; zhang sheng tao
Importance of Bound-bound State Interaction in Harmonic Generation
cai qing yu ; qiao hao xue ; li bai wen
Radiation Damping of Laser-polarized Liquid 129Xe in the Low Field Flow System
zhou xin ; luo jun ; sun xian ping ; zeng xi zhi
Information Transmission between Non Direct-coupled Spins in NMR Quantum Computer
wei da xiu ; yang xiao dong ; luo jun ; sun xian ping ; zeng xi zhi ; liu mai li ; ding shang wu