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Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
2014 Issue 3
Visual Working Memory Involves In Anorthoscopic Perception
HUANG Jian;YIN Jun;GAO Zai-feng;DING Xiao-wei;Department of Psychology and Behavioral Science;Zhejiang University;
The Influence of Lag and Emotional Valence on Repetition Priming Effect in Chinese Two-Word Characters
NIE Ai-qing;WANG Zhi-xuan;Ye Jing-hen;FU Qiao;ZHU Xiao-lei;Department of Psychology and Behavior Science;Zhejiang University;Mental Health Department;Zhejiang Hospital;
Relationship between Reality Belief and Ideality Belief about Error in Learning for Junior Middle School Students
PAN Yu-jin;GUO Bao-lin;CAO Li-ren;College of Teacher Education;Wenzhou University;Department of Psychology and Behavior Science;Zhejiang University;
The Influence of Trust Propensity and Facial Trustworthiness to Children’s Trust Judgment
MA Feng-ling;ZHENG Ting-ting;CAI Wei-xiang;XU Fen;Department of Psychology;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;
A Functional Neuroimaging Study in Patients with Excessive Worry and GAD Using SPECT
YE Xiao-juan;SUN Da;ZHAN Hong-wei;Nuclear Medicine Dept.;Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital affiliated the Medical college of Zhejiang University;Nuclear Medicine Dept;Zhejiang University;The Second Hospital of the Medical College;
A Cross-cultural Study of the Relationship between College Teachers’ Teaching Styles and Undergraduates’ Classroom Behaviors
CHENG Hong-yu;School of Education;Zhejiang University;
Human Factor Studies on Gestural Interaction:Past,Present,and Future
PANG Xiao-yue;GUO Rui-zhen;YAO Nai-lang;YU Jia-lin;YU Shi-xian;WANG Ci;GAO Zai-feng;Department of Psychology;Zhejiang University;
The Influence of Context on Facial Expression Processing:Retrospect and Prospect
XU Qiang;YANG Ya-ping;ZHANG En-tao;ZHANG Feng;Department of Psychology;Ningbo University;Department of Psychology;Henan University;
The Factors that Influence Outcomes in Deprivation of Control
JIANG Ming;GAO Ding-guo;Department of Psychology;Sun Yat-Sen University;
Relationship between A-Type Personality and Career Anchors among Post-80s College Graduate Employees
YAO Li-xia;Zhejiang Gongshang University;
The Relationship between Consumer Unethical Behaviors and Employee’s Emotional Exhaustion: A Moderated Mediation Model
XU Ya-ping;LI Zhi-yong;Department of Social Science;Shaoxing Vocational & Technical College;Department of Education Science;Huainan Normal University;