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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
2014 Issue 3
qian yan
xie yong hui ; wang mo ran ; xie gong nan ;
Flow Stability and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Near-Critical Fluid in Micro-Scale Channels
CHEN Lin;ZHANG Xin-rong;College of Engineering;Peking University;
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Droplet Evaporation on Flat Solid Surface
XIE Chi-yu;ZHANG Jian-ying;WANG Mo-ran;Department of Engineering Mechanics;Tsinghua University;College of Engineering;Peking University;
Numerical and Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement Based on the Structure of Cooling Channels With Dimples
ZHANG Di;GUO Shuai;XIE Yong-hui;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
3-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Phosphor Jel Dispensing Process in Light Emitting Diodes
LI Lan;ZHENG Huai;LUO Xiao-bing;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Experimental Study of Air Flow Characteristics in Micro-Channels
ZHENG Guang-hua;ZHANG Kai;WEI Wen-qiang;He Yi-hong;School of Power and Energy;Northwestern Polytechnical University;China Aviation Powerplant Research Institute;
Numerical Simulation and Size Optimization of Rectangular Micro-Channel Heat Sinks
HE Ying;SHAO Bao-dong;CHENG He-ming;Department of Engineering Mechanics;Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Numerical Study of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Metal-Foam Filled Microchannel Heat Sink
LI Yong-tong;XU Hui-jin;GO NG Liang;ZHANG Ke-fang;Department of Thermal Energy & Power Engineering;College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering;China University of Petroleum;
Process-Induced Thermal Stress of Through Silicon Via and Its Releasing Structure Design
SUN Han;WANG Wei;CHEN Jing;JIN Yu-feng;Institute of Microelectronics;Peking University;Shenzhen Graduate School;Peking University;
On Complex Boundary Conditions of the Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Diffusion Equations
HUANG Jun-tao;ZHANG Li;YONG Wen-an;WANG Mo-ran;Department of Engineering Mechanics;School of Aerospace;Tsinghua University;Zhou Pei-Yuan Center for Applied Mathematics;Tsinghua University;
Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in Equilateral Triangle Micro-Channels
HE Ying;SHAO Bao-dong;CHENG He-ming;Department of Engineering Mechanics;School of Civil Enginggering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Study of Preparation and Dynamic Hydrophobicity of Superhydrophobic Surfaces With Micro-Nano Textures
ZHANG Jing-xian;YAO Zhao-hui;HAO Peng-fei;FU Cheng-song;NAN Dou;WEI Jin-quan;School of Aerospace;Tsinghua University;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Tsinghua University;
Modeling of Micro-Particle’s Motion Near an Evaporating Meniscus
PAN Zhen-hai;WANG Hao;Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transport at Micro-Nano Scale;College of Engineering;Peking University;